5 Winter Marketing Tips

I’m going to give you many FREE and low-cost ways to market to cleaning clients during the winter.

  1. Come up with a killer offer.  Make these the BEST offers you give all year.  NOT just a 20% off offer or 5 rooms for $99.  Make an offer that will cross-sell more services so you get a higher job ticket.
  2. Send postcards and newsletters to your clients.  Rely on your current clients.  Mail postcards and newsletters with your special offers.
  3. Mail email newsletters to clients and prospects with special offers.
  4. Use Facebook to connect with past clients and new clients.  Offer a coupon or contest.  Use your same killer winter offer on Facebook
  5. Every Door Direct Mail.  Target your best, ideal neighborhood for as little as 16 cents per home.

Put together a plan NOW.  If you plan right, you can be just as busy in the winter, or like some of my clients, make January or February one of your best months of the year.

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