Marketing Corona Virus Cleaning

Click here for details on my Ad Club where we lots of spring Cleaning for Health postcards, Facebook posts, and e-newsletters.

Marketing for Corona Virus Cleaning?

The media is talking about this, so now is a time to join in the conversation.  Maybe do a press release and statement to your clients.

Should you do it?  And to what extent?

If you do, make SURE you know what you’re doing.  I know of cleaners who are taking on $190k jobs doing wipe downs for commercial facilities.

At the bare minimum, give your clients a procedure of what you are doing in between cleanings.

Jump Start Spring Cleaning Marketing

Click here to get these ads done for you in the Ad Club.

It’s a crucial time for your cleaning biz.

Do you want to start spring cleaning in March or wait until April?

The first few years I was in business, I sat around and waited for the spring rush to come.

And it eventually came…but it did NOT come as soon as I wanted it.

Then I put a few marketing techniques in play and WA-LAH…spring cleaning came earlier.

I just shot a video that explains and shows you examples of how to jump-start your spring cleaning right now.

P.S.  This works to get spring cleaning jobs booked even in snowy areas. In fact, I show you a specific advertising piece in the video for areas where it snows.

P.P.S.  The main goal is to get them calling EARLIER and get your schedule BOOKED NOW.

Get past clients coming back by getting in front of them NOW with your marketing! Bring on spring early with a postcard, email newsletter, and Facebook campaign. These are all available for download in the ad club member site now.

See the video now for ideas to get your spring carpet cleaning, maid service, janitorial service to get clients coming in early.  Don’t wait for April.  Get cleaning jobs booked right now to get busy in your cleaning company.

Spring Cleaning marketing to get clients now

Email Newsletters End Winter

Try Aweber for 1 month FREE here.

Get email newsletter templates in the Ad Club right here.

You can use email to stay busy and end the winter slow-down.

For cleaners, it’s one of the CHEAPEST ways to reach prospects.

But many don’t use it or know how to use it.

So I just made this video below to show you how.

It can be done for around $20 per month.

It amazes me how few cleaners take advantage of this cheap advertising.

Your competition probably isn’t doing this…and most that use it don’t do it to the max…but it’s SO EASY.

See how to do it here.

Love Your Cleaning Clients This Valentine’s Day

Download the GIF by right clicking and saving to your hard drive.

Sign up for Hitman Ad Club Here to Get All These Templates, Support, and Coaching.

Your cleaning business relies on getting new clients.
…And keeping existing clients.

February is the PERFECT time…in prep for spring.

Watch this video to see how to keep clients and get new ones.

Here’s what happens when you show your clients love:

* They’ll never use anyone else because they’re more connected to you.

* They are MORE apt to refer you in the spring.

* They’ll feel better about spending more money with you.

But wait, there’s MORE!  It runs full circle!

Here’s what happens to prospects who aren’t clients yet:

* Surrounding neighborhoods will see the love you have for your clients and want to use you.

* Online users will see how you care about your clients and want to use your cleaning service.

Realtors, Flooring Retailers, Interior Designers, and other people see it and want you too.

It’s a perfect time to do it right now, so get started!

Do this and it’ll help you prime your business for a killer SPRING.

Cleaners Stay Busy in Winter

Click Here for details on getting these done for you in the Ad Club.

Download the Winter Marketing Plan Here.

Here’s a video I just shot for you that targets your EXACT ideal clients.

This helps you…

❄️ Get clients calling now.

❄️ Brand your company to be super busy in the spring.

❄️ Bring in more referrals and lower your marketing costs.

❄️ Give you BIGGER job tickets (even in winter)

Your competitors aren’t doing this stuff.  Their clients are up for taking.  Go get them.

This kind of campaign can be done in the dead of winter for as little as a few hundred dollars and yield BIG returns.

One of my clients got a 5000% return on his advertising investment using one of these tactics.

Goal Setting Sheet

Did you set your 2020 goals for your cleaning or restoration biz?

If you haven’t written down where you want to go this year, how
will you know if you got there?

The simple truth about business and life…

“Writing goals will get you further than not writing goals.”

Don’t keep your goals in your head.  Write them down.

I want to let you in on a little “Goal Setting Sheet” I recently
gave to my coaching club members.  It’s so important I thought I’d
send it out to all my subscribers.

Click here to download the Goal Setting PDFClick Here to Download the “Goal Sheet.”


P.S.  If you’re going to do something better in 2020 that you didn’t do in 2019, you have to write down your goals.

Winter Marketing Plan 2020

I thought this would be a good start to the year to get you thinking about how to plan your marketing.

I put out my updated Winter Marketing Plan so you can see some specific examples of these tactics.

Click Here to Download the PDF Report

I want to give you something for cleaners & restorers to get your marketing jump-started for 2020.

So I just put out my NEW updated “Winter Marketing Plan” that lays out 37 proven tactics for you to get new clients and keep old clients coming back, especially during winter.

Get my “Winter Marketing Plan” FREE at the link below:

My clients have been using these tactics for years and some got over a 40-to-1 return on their investment…

Yes…even in cold, snowy areas during winter.

Download this step-by-step plan now.  It’s Free.

In winter, times can get tough in the cleaning biz.  But it does NOT have to be that way.

P.S.  I’m giving you 37 tactics you can use right now to get your business rocking…specifically during winter.

Stay Busy With Area Rug Cleaning

Click Here to get marketing help in my Ad Club

Download or listen to the audio MP3 here.

Need to stay busy after the holidays?

Area rug cleaning is one way many cleaners are doing it.

I just did a killer interview with Cameron Mayville. Cam is one of the top guys in the industry to learn rug cleaning from. He’s even taught me a few things.

Watch this video interview or download the audio above.

Here’s what we talked about…

How to kick-start your rug cleaning operation

Which marketing works to get rug clients?

Does past client marketing work and when?

This is urgent stuff to hear NOW if you want to keep busy well into the winter. Rug guys who are established don’t have to worry as much about slow winters.

$100k Series: Keep Your Clients & Get More Referrals

Register for the scholarship contest here.

Win a $10,000 Scholarship Towards Consultation

The contest for the FREE consultation package includes personal consultation for 1 year with Mason Tomaino and John Braun.

See details and register for the contest here.

Get $100k Profit in the Cleaning & Restoration Biz training event.


Mason Tomaino and John Braun are holding a special webinar training where we are giving you the foundation of a successful cleaning and restoration business.


Download the audio MP3 from the webinar to listen later: