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It’s a crucial time for your cleaning biz.
Do you want to start spring cleaning in March or wait until April?
The first few years I was in business, I sat around and waited for the spring rush to come.
And it eventually came…but it did NOT come as soon as I wanted it.
Then I put a few marketing techniques in play and WA-LAH…spring cleaning came earlier.
I just shot a video that explains and shows you examples of how to jump-start your spring cleaning right now.
P.S. This works to get spring cleaning jobs booked even in snowy areas. In fact, I show you a specific advertising piece in the video for areas where it snows.
P.P.S. The main goal is to get them calling EARLIER and get your schedule BOOKED NOW.
Get past clients coming back by getting in front of them NOW with your marketing! Bring on spring early with a postcard, email newsletter, and Facebook campaign. These are all available for download in the ad club member site now.
See the video now for ideas to get your spring carpet cleaning, maid service, janitorial service to get clients coming in early. Don’t wait for April. Get cleaning jobs booked right now to get busy in your cleaning company.