New Year Ideas to Get More Cleaning Clients

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Happy New Year to Cleaning Clients

Here’s a quick marketing campaign to use the first of the year.

Check out brand new:

* EDDM mailers to get BIG jobs in winter.

* Email newsletters to get more FREQUENT cleaning from clients.

* Facebook videos, posts, and ads

* Client postcards to stay busy in winter.

These are specifically geared to get BIGGER job tickets and more FREQUENT cleaning.

See offers that make your phone ring in January and February.

After Holiday Marketing for Cleaning Businesses

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For cleaners, it’s one of the toughest weeks.

Maybe you plan to do no work and be on vacation or take time with your family. Great.

But if you have employees to keep busy or need the work, you should see some of the marketing ideas.

I’ll be showing you more stay-busy-in-winter marketing tactics soon. But for now, check out these week after Christmas ideas.

Cleaners End the Year Big

2 Options to Get These:

Click Here to Join the Ad Club to Get Access to All The Templates

Or, Click Here to Get 1 Single Graphic Design and Discount Printing

It’s one of the most critical times of the year for marketing.

Do this and end the year with STRONG SALES.

See an ad that gives your cleaning prospects the REAL benefit that they REALLY want from cleaning.  HINT:  It’s not a powerful truckmount or better cleaning.

Your competition is NOT doing this!

Either they don’t know it works or they’re too lazy to do it.

Should Cleaning Businesses Use Pay-Per-Lead Websites?

Click Here for details on joining the Ad Coaching Club.

Should you use Homeadvisor, Angie, Porch, Yelp, Thumbtack, Houzz, Checkbook, and the NEW Google Guaranteed Services. Heck, even Amazon has one.

Let’s get this straight…

They all want their hand in your pockets.

But are pay-per-lead sites worth it?

Some cleaners SWEAR by the leads they get from some of these sites.

Other cleaners SWEAR they’ll never advertise with sites like this again.

5 important factors determine if these sites are worth using in your cleaning business.

With some sites, you don’t even own the leads that you generated.

There are some occasions where a lead generation site can be better than Google ads. But of course, there are many occasions where Google ads will be better. See the ins and outs.

Few keys to think about:

How many competitors are using the site?

Are the people who use the site in your target market?

Will the user experience hurt my business or help?

How does the directory get traffic?

Cleaners Were Ticked

Go Here to Sign up for the Ad Club and Get Newsletters, Postcards, and More Done-for-You.

A large supplier of cleaning newsletters recently decided to STOP operations.

Many cleaners were disappointed and complained on Facebook.

They LOVED the REPEAT clients and REFERRALS they got from sending these newsletters.

But it’s okay. You can still get cleaning newsletters and postcards.

And here’s the GOOD NEWS…

You can get these large, glossy, full-color newsletters done for MUCH less.

It’s around 44 cents for EVERYTHING (printing, postage, folding, and labeling). All done for you.

Or you can get the newsletter and send it yourself for as little as $85 for 1000 tri-folded, glossy newsletters.

See some of the templates here.

There’s MUCH more where that came from. Email newsletters, Facebook posts, and other client educational marketing.

This helps you get more referrals, more repeat clients, and higher job tickets.

Million Dollar Cleaning Business Success Secrets

Click Here for info on my Ad Coaching Club and get special bonuses.

TONIGHT I’m holding a webinar on some of the NEW tactics on dominating Yelp, Google Local, & Facebook.  

Register now at:

5pm pacific | 6pm mountain | 7pm central | 8pm eastern

Last week I attended a small event where two dozen million-dollar cleaning businesses gathered for a mastermind.

I had an opportunity to speak and tell some secrets that I’ve learned.

But wow…I was also able to learn and ask questions of the other cleaners in the room.  I got some killer new ideas and I’ll share some with you.

Here’s where I give you some of what I learned.

Secrets like:

* How to get your online reviews to stick

* Dominating Yelp

* Tips to eliminate bad reviews

* SEO ninja tricks to rank in multiple cities

* New FREE service to record website visitor traffic

* Do market research in 1 hour to see what clients want

* What higher income clients want

* Cheap tricks to bump up your neighborhood marketing

* Using Facebook to become a local celebrity

Cleaning Brochures, Newsletters, Postcards, Doorhangers, Cards & More

Click Here for Details on Joining the Ad Club

Click Here to see our printing price list for members.

I just got some great news!

I’m now able to discount our printing prices even lower than ever.

We’ve been printing so many postcards for so many cleaners that our print shop has cut their prices for us on most of our heavily printed items.

See details in the video.

These are SUPER discounted printing on:

* Postcards (EDDM and Client Postcards)

* Brochures

* Client Newsletters

* Gift Cards

* Doorknob Hangers

Check out some of the marketing examples for your cleaning company. Then see how low these member prices are.

Cleaners Get Reviews Online Reviews Free

Get the card template and other help to grow your business in the Ad Club Here.

Here’s a cheap or FREE, effective way for cleaning businesses to get online reviews.

Reviews are super important if you’re doing marketing online.

If you’re doing Google ads, you should have lots of Google reviews.

If you’re doing Facebook ads, you should have lots of Facebooks reviews.

If you’re doing Yelp or Angie’s List ads, you should get lots of reviews there.

See how we do it here.

You do NOT have to spend money on a monthly subscription just to get reviews. In fact, this method will cost you about $20.

Google Guaranteed Services [should cleaners use it?]

Google is introducing a new program that is starting to become available for cleaners in almost every city.

Very few cleaners are using it so far…

…so this is something to check out now.

I show you what it’s about in this video.

There are a couple factors that base how well you’ll do with Google Guaranteed Services.

See the video for details.