Stay Busy Cleaning in Back-to-School Weeks

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For cleaners, it’s typically one of the slowest times.

Moms are shopping for kids and prepping for the new school year. They’re NOT thinking about cleaning.

But if you do some marketing to connect with past clients and targeted prospects, you can stay busy.

See some of these NEW marketing ideas.

These are geared for back-to-school to get in front of your best prospects.

Rug Authorization Form

Download my Rug Authorization Form Here

Get my entire Policies & Procedures manual FREE when you join the Ad Coaching Club.  Click Here for details.

Unreasonable clients never cease to amaze me.

Don’t get me wrong, 99.9% of our clients are wonderful. We market purposefully to get the best clients.

But even now and then….UGGH.

We picked up 10 rugs a year and a half ago. The other day, we finally delivered them back to the client after at least two dozen phone calls.

The client said we’re missing one of her rugs…and, of course, it’s a $10k rug that’s missing.

All the rugs were tagged as soon as we picked them up. They were described well on the authorization form, but for some reason, we don’t have pictures of the rugs that we picked up.

The signed rug authorization may be the only thing saving our butt. It says the rug is our property after 120 days if the rug isn’t picked up.

Get my rug authorization form FREE above.

Thankfully, the authorization says that all the rugs had pet damage. Even a $10k rug isn’t worth much with pet urine in it.

Plus, the authorization says that she has to pay us $20 per month, per rug….so she owes us $3,600.

The client was quick to tell us that we should call our insurance company. She thinks she’s getting $10,000.


Oh boy. These are the not-so-fun times of running a rug cleaning biz.

What would you do?

Download the copy of our rug authorization form FREE above.

Cleaning Websites Need Security Certificate Right Away

Cleaning sites will be marked “Insecure” in a few weeks!

On July 24th, Google Chrome will start marketing websites as “not secure.” This could cost you cleaning jobs.

What should you do?

Enable HTTPS on your website. This means you’ll need an SSL certificate. And then, you may need to adapt some of the code or plug-ins on your site to make it work properly.

I’ll show you what this means in this video:

In the link above, I’ll also give you some options on how to get your site secure.

See this site for details:

And here’s another link about site security here.

Make sure you do NOT have this showing up when your client searches for you:

Summer Marketing Ideas (Postcards, Emails, Facebook, & EDDM)

Get these postcards here in the Ad Coaching Club

Summer in the cleaning biz varies for most cleaners.

Are you slow?

Are you busy?

Is business up down?

Whichever you are, I want to show you some ideas to keep busy.

These are summer and 4th of July themed marketing ideas.

Check out these postcard, EDDM, Facebook ad, and email newsletter concepts.

Your best marketing management is to do something BEFORE YOU ARE SLOW.

See these summer marketing ideas now:

Tile Cleaning Marketing Examples

Click Here to Get These Tile Cleaning Ad Templates or Have Them Done For You

How do you get more high-dollar tile cleaning jobs?

3 ways…

1. You educate your clients.

2. You show them how you can help them.

3. You don’t let your clients and referral sources forget you.

Here’s a quick, easy ad campaign that does all of this.

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S. Well-constructed, educational client and referral source marketing campaigns are some of the best marketing you can do.

Neighborhood Marketing on YouTube

Click Here to Get in the Online Neighborhood Marketing Course to run video ads to your TOP neighborhoods.

Next level stuff here cleaners should see…

How would you like a creative idea to get you in front of your ideal neighborhood?

In a way you are SURE to get their attention?

Then, put that video on YouTube and run YouTube video ads to the people in that neighborhood.

This is the stuff I’m teaching about this week in the Online Neighborhood Marketing Course.

I shot this video in front of a high-end golf course neighborhood. Your competition absolutely is NOT doing this.

Here’s my neighborhood YouTube marketing video.

But you can do it before your competition does.

Running a targeted neighborhood marketing campaign online or offline is the perfect way to target ANY high-end neighborhood.

You just need to be a step ahead of your competition. I’ll show you how.

Quickest Way to Success in the Cleaning Biz

If you’re not exactly where you want to be in your cleaning biz, there’s a reason.

After working with thousands of cleaners all over the world, I see a CLEAR pattern.

The guys who are the most successful do this one thing and do it well.

I’ll tell you in this short video:

There’s nothing to buy, just short, real-world business advice.

It’s not rocket science.

You may even be doing some of this, but not enough.

Do it over and over again and you’ll be where you want to be…GUARANTEED.

Your success depends on YOU and YOU alone. Don’t get in the way of your success.

Cleaners Should Do This on Facebook Before it’s too Late

Click Here to Sign-Up for the Ad Club and Get in the Online Marketing Course FREE

Cleaners can do this on Facebook super easy.

I’ve been teaching how to use Facebook ads and Google Adwords in my Online Neighborhood Marketing Course the past two weeks.

2 things I’m SHOCKED that cleaners aren’t doing:

1. One quickly adds dozens or hundreds of likes to your Facebook business page. And it only takes two minutes to do.

2. The other tactic takes maybe five minutes and it helps you get back in touch with your past clients and prospects on Facebook for around 40 cents per click.

The bad news is one of these tactics will NOT be available in a few months. The other tactic is rumored and prone to not be available.

This is SUPER EASY STUFF to do.

See how to do it in this video I just shot.

P.S. Good news! If you haven’t gotten into the Online Neighborhood Course, you still can! All you need to do is join the Ad Coaching Club and you’ll have full access along with all the videos, handouts and recordings.

The sign-up details link will be below the video on the page link below.

Watch the video first and see how to do these easy Facebook tactics.

Online Neighborhood Course Walk-Thru Video

Watch this other video here to see what the course is all about.

You Have TWO Options:

Click Here for Single Payment


Click Here to Join the Ad Club to Pay Monthly

We’re getting things rolling with the new “Online Neighborhood Marketing Course.”

Members are already getting into the member site and getting started.

A few cleaners asked for more details about what’s inside of the member site, so I shot this short video to show you.

Watch the video above.

When you sign up now, you get the entire EDDM package FREE as a special bonus.  This is a $397 value, so it’s only included FREE for a short time.

The Buy-1-Get-1 FREE course ends tomorrow (Wednesday) night at midnight.  Watch the course walk thru and then sign up now.

Your Cleaning Banner Ad on CNN & [Video #3]

Sign up for the Ad Club Here and get in on the Online Neighborhood Marketing Course starting next week.

How would you like to show up on CNN and

This would be in very specific high-end neighborhoods.

…and you could do it for way less than $100 a month?

Sound good?

I just put up video #3 in the Geo-Targeting series.

Watch it now.

I always say you should market in ways that your competition does NOT market. This is one of those ways. Do it now!