Use Facebook to Target Neighborhoods for Cleaning

Sign up for the Ad Club Here and get in on the Online Neighborhood Marketing Course starting next week.

I’ll make this real quick.

I’m up at Snowshoe, WV doing a little skiing with my daughter and enjoying the snow.

A couple days ago I sent you the first video on targeting neighborhoods using Google.

This is video #2 on “Targeting Neighborhoods with Facebook.”

Check it out above.

Everyone is on Facebook. It’s hotter than prime time TV. You should be there too telling about your cleaning biz.

Use Google to Target Neighborhoods

This video is all about targeting your ideal, high-end neighborhood.

It can be done:

* With a tiny budget (less than $100 per month even)

* Using online marketing strategies

* Targeting ANY neighborhood

I’ll show you what I did to come discover how to do this neighborhood marketing trick. Plus I’ll walk you through how to do it, step-by-step.

See the neighborhood targeting video above.

It’s the perfect compliment to EDDM. You can use it with or without it.

It’s online neighborhood targeting.

Geo-Target Cleaning Clients With New Technology

Here are some new ways to pinpoint exactly who you want to do business with.

A couple of these tactics have been around for a little while, but hardly anyone is doing it.

This is pretty new and exciting stuff. Realtors and a few other techy businesses have been using it and now it’s time for the cleaning industry.

Your competition isn’t this advanced. This is your chance to get a head start and out-market your competition.

You’ve heard me talk about EDDM for a few years, right? Well, this is two steps AHEAD OF THAT.

It works very well along with EDDM, but you don’t have to use EDDM with this.

St Patrick’s Marketing Ideas for Cleaning

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Cleaner’s St Patrick’s Marketing Ideas

As I sit watching the Winter Olympics, I have spring on my mind.

If you’re not marketing to your clients and hot prospects prior to spring, your competitor may be doing it.

I just shot a quick 5-minute video with St Patrick ideas:

Now is the time to prime the pump and get ready for a killer spring!

Use these ideas.

Ice Cleaning Expo Presentation [More Cleaning, Referrals, Big Jobs]

Or download / listen to the MP3 Audio Here:

Get These Templates, Graphic Design, and Marketing Help in the Ad Coaching Club Here.

John Braun Speaking at the Ice Expo
John Braun Speaking at the Ice Expo in Vegas

I just got back from the Ice Expo for Cleaners in Vegas.

I met so many cleaners in different stages of building their business.

The conference had educational events, speakers, and booths geared to help cleaners grow their business. If you didn’t make it, I recommend you go next year.

I was honored to be the first speaker to open the event. I got so much feedback from attendees on how my presentation helped with ideas to grow, that I decided to shorten it and record it for you.

So, I packed my entire 50-minute presentation to give you all the cliff notes in this short 20-minute video. It’s condensed down to the meaty stuff.

See the video above.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

* Build a predictable business by getting clients to call more.

* Add to your client list by getting more referrals.

* Increase your revenue by getting bigger job tickets.

This is the stuff that great cleaning companies are made of. Tons of ideas here.

The Truth About Email Marketing a Cleaning Business

Click Here

Click Here to Download the PDF Guide

Are your cleaning clients calling?

When it’s winter, you need a low-cost way to market.

Email marketing is the absolute cheapest way to communicate with your clients.

But there are some startling things I’ve found out about email.

Find out the good and bad about email marketing:

I like to be upfront about what a marketing tactic can do. While email marketing is GREAT and I highly recommend it, there are some drawbacks you need to know.

Don’t worry, it’s mostly good, but you need to know the bad too.

When you go to the link above, you also get a FREE download copy of my “Email Marketing Report for Cleaners.”

In the report, you’ll get dozens of way to get cleaning clients from your email marketing. So go to the link above now.

One of the things I LOVE about email marketing (besides the fact that it’s so cheap), is I can re-use the same content in my Facebook posts and other social media. It’s perfect.

Love Your Cleaning Clients & They’ll Never Leave

Sign up for Hitman Ad Club Here to Get All These Templates, Support, and Coaching.

Your cleaning business relies on keeping clients.

…And getting new clients.

February is the PERFECT time…in prep for spring.

Watch this video to see how to keep clients and get new ones.

Here’s what happens when you show your clients love:

* They’ll never use anyone else because they’re more connected to you.

* They are MORE apt to refer you in the spring.

* They’ll feel better about spending more money with you.

But wait, there’s MORE!  It runs full circle!


Here’s what happens to prospects who aren’t clients yet:

* Surrounding neighborhoods will see the love you have for your clients and want to use you.

* Online users will see how you care about your clients and want to use your cleaning service.

Realtors, Flooring Retailers, Interior Designers, and other people see it and want you too.

It’s a perfect time to do it right now, so get started!

Do this and it’ll help you prime your business for a killer SPRING.

Winter Marketing Plan for Cleaners 2018

Click Here to Download the PDF Report

Hope you’re having Happy Holidays.

This week, I always plan for the coming year.

1. Write down goals for next year (at least 50).

2. Write out a COMPLETE Marketing Plan!

In fact, I’ve already got a solid, proven marketing plan I want to give you.

Click the image above to download 37 winter marketing tactics.

These are tactics that work particularly well in winter when money is tight.

You can either go on vacation for two months or DO SOMETHING NOW to keep busy.

Download this PDF report now and borrow from my tested and proven marketing plan.

It’s FREE. Download it below.

Personal Help Growing Your Cleaning Business

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Personal Help Growing Your Cleaning Business in 2018

Success in your cleaning business starts now.

Would you accomplish more if you had someone push you toward success?

What if you had someone hand you ideas to get more business?

How much better would 2018 be?

Click below to watch the 10-minute video that explains how.

Business if tough to do alone. See how you can get help in your cleaning business.

Cleaners Black Friday

Cleaners 50% Off Black Friday:

Here are TWO of my best selling courses.

I’m putting these up for 50% OFF until Monday.

Commercial Marketing Course to get you in front of the BEST commercial clients.

* This course includes the letters, scripts, brochures, and everything you need to attract commercial clients.

Secrets of Profitable Advertising system to get the BEST residential clients.

* This is a big package of ads, training CDs, DVDs and ad samples that we send you in the mail.

With both courses, you’ll also get one month FREE in the Ad Club ($137 value).

If you’re already an Ad Club member, buy one of these courses and you’ll get your next month FREE, plus another surprise.

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S. Get both courses at 50% OFF, plus you get one month FREE in my Ad Coaching Club and another special bonus surprise.

But hurry, these deals expire Monday night.