Facebook Re-Targeting for Cleaners

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Go to Ads Manager
  • Click Tools, then choose Audiences
  • Click Create Audience
  • Select Custom Audience
  • Click Website Traffic
  • Give your Custom Audience a name, choose a Website Traffic option and click Create Audience

If you’re doing ANY online marketing…

* Facebook

* Google

* Blogging

* Email Newsletters

I HIGHLY recommend you tie your efforts in with a solid re-targeting system.

See how to do it in this video.

This will allow you to follow your website visitors ALL OVER FACEBOOK.

…for weeks AFTER they leave your website.

In this video I let you watch over my shoulder while I set up a Facebook re-targeting campaign for one of my clients.

If you’re doing any marketing on Facebook, this is really valuable.

Easy Way to Mail Holiday Cleaning Postcards

I got several questions from cleaners this past week about sending postcards.

So I wanted to clear some confusion.

There are EASIER AND CHEAPER ways to send postcards than what you may think.

Watch this video above.

You can have your postcards designed, printed, and mailed for 30 – 40 cents per home.

You can have your postcards designed, printed, and mailed for 30 – 40 cents per home.

See all this ins and outs in this video.

Next Week it’s CRITICAL to Contact Cleaning Clients

This next week is critical if you want to keep your clients and get referrals.

You don’t want them calling or referring your competition on accident.

The holidays start next month, so they’re thinking STRONGLY about cleaning.

If you haven’t contacted them in the past two months, there’s a REALLY good chance they don’t remember your company name.

If your clients ever ask you for your company name when writing a check, they don’t remember.

The business card and fridge magnet you left them? They’re probably lost.


See this video of some campaigns I’ve done.

Pre-Holiday marketing is the best client retention you can do.

I’ll show you a campaign we did last year that branded our company well.

This is the time of year we rely on past clients to refer us so we can make MAX profit by the end of the year.

Here’s how to do it.

Facebook Advertising Changes

Re: Cleaning Ads on Facebook

As the holidays approach, you may want to do some Facebook ads.

BUT WAIT…Facebook changed their platform.

In all honesty, the changes aren’t too severe. But some of my clients asked me to do a quick review of how to put up a Facebook ad.

So I just shot this with some good practices on what to do.

This video will walk you through the new way of setting up a Facebook ad for your cleaning biz.

$50 or $150 an hour Cleaning?

Click here for details on the Ad Coaching Club.

cleaning business positionHow much do you make an hour cleaning?

I’m talking about the actual time from job start to finish.

This is one of the most important numbers to watch.

Why do some cleaners make $150 per hour and another cleaner in the SAME CITY makes only $50 an hour?

It has NOTHING to do with pricing by the room or square foot. It has NOTHING to do with your method of cleaning or how well you clean.

It has everything to do with POSITIONING.

See 7 ways to position your company to charge what you want.

Position yourself right and charge what you want to charge.

It’s amazing how much some cleaners charge…and how little other cleaners charge.

Don’t be the cleaner who doesn’t position your company well and goes out of business. Poor positioning is the fastest way to lose money.

EDDM Guide to for Cleaners

Cleaners Guide to EDDM

Click Here to Instantly Get the Report

And then watch this video below:

Coaching club sign up details at www.Hitmanadvertising.com/coaching

EDDM is working better than ever before.

I get all kinds of questions about EDDM.  Which, if you don’t know, EDDM is the BEST way to mail to the neighborhoods you want to target.

EDDM, known as Every Door Direct Mail, remains to be one of the BEST ways to reach high-end clients in select neighborhoods.

I get all kinds of questions about EDDM, so I updated this report to answer for you…

* Which postcards work best for a cleaning business?

* How much does EDDM cost?

* What size postcards can I send?

* How many can I send at a time?

* Can I see examples of good EDDM postcards?

Some of the information here has previously only been available to paid coaching clients, but I’m giving it to you here at no charge.

See the new report above to help you use EDDM profitably.

You’ll get a good walk-thru of how EDDM works for cleaners. I updated it to show you the latest way EDDM work and give you some ideas for marketing this fall.

The newly updated report helps you use EDDM effectively in your cleaning biz. It’s free and an instant download.

Download the 16-page EDDM guide above now.

Fall Marketing Brings Holiday Cleaning Season On

Get Marketing Help in Hitman’s Ad Club Right Here.

Tomorrow is the first official day of fall.

This means the busy season is near for carpet, floor, and rug cleaners.

You can get started now to bring on the holiday cleaning rush and get your schedule filled.

You can see examples in this video:

You’ll also see how to:

* Charge higher prices for your services

* Spend less money on marketing to book cleaning jobs

* Use online and offline marketing to brand your cleaning biz

* Killer way to sell a cleaning prospect

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S. If you sit around and wait another month, your schedule will probably get fairly busy. But wouldn’t it be great if you started getting busy NOW?

Download This FREE Water Restoration Flyer

Click Here to Download the Flyer in Microsoft Word

Click Here to Download the Flyer in PDF Format 

Get the brochures mentioned in this video by Clicking Here or sign up for the Ad Club to get the brochures and postcards in this video by Clicking Here.

My heart goes out to Texas and South Florida.

I live in Northwest Florida, so I’m watching this hurricane closely too.

I’ve been there…done that. It wasn’t fun.

Three years ago, my city suffered major flooding.

So I passed out this simple flyer to about 100 homes.

It got me $32k in water restoration work…with a cheap, black and white, ONE PAGE FLYER.

You can download the flyer template here.

I’m giving this out FREE for all the cleaners and restorers in the hurricane ravaged areas. But it’s also a good piece to keep on hand because you never know when an emergency will hit your area.

P.S. I’ll also show you a version of an EDDM and client postcard that got another $30k in business.  Plus, you’ll see an excellent educational brochure on water damage restoration.

P.P.S. Download the flyer FREE! Plus, you’ll be able to watch a video I shot on how you can tweak this flyer to customize it in YOUR business.

See if Your Cleaning Ad Sucks

See details on Hitman’s Ad Club Here.

Have you wondered why your cleaning advertising didn’t do well?

Maybe you got zero response?

There’s usually a reason why things went wrong.

I just shot a short video that gives you a quick way to determine whether or not your ad is any good.

This goes for all online ads on Facebook, Adwords, email newsletters, and websites…along with offline ads on postcards, EDDM mailers, and other marketing.

How I Got Into the Cleaning Business

I recently met with a coaching member who is starting a cleaning business.

He’s only 21. He reminded me a lot of myself when I started.

You may need to hear this, because I want to show you that if I can do it, you can too. I had nothing to start with.

I was in college, majoring in advertising.

I REALLY wanted to start a business. Any business.

And I did NOT want to work for someone else.

I had worked with a “splash and dash” carpet cleaning company for two months, so I felt I had some experience. At the time, I was working at a hotel making barely over minimum wage.

I had nothing to lose.

So, I got out my shiny new credit card and charged a $10,000 brand new truck mount. Then, I bought a decent looking used van for $1,000.

I was in business!

But I had no customers. However, I did do my marketing homework. I still had A LOT TO LEARN.

I developed a strategy. Then I developed marketing tactics that started with newspaper ads and a direct mail campaign to homeowners in high-end neighborhoods. Then, I developed Internet marketing that brought in lots of great clients.

It’s what worked for me.

Ten years later, I started Hitman Advertising.

I put my entire strategy outlined in my “Secrets” package.

Right now, you can get my “Secrets” package at 50% OFF for a short time:


I went from ZERO to $4,000 a month in no time. Shortly thereafter
I was doing $10,000, then $20,000, $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.

And it all started with ONE simple media targeted at the right

For the past 10 years, I’ve been helping cleaners all over the world build a steady, profitable cleaning biz. And now I want to help you do it too!

Until Later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S. My “Secrets” package is currently 50% off with several bonuses you’ll love.

To get dozens of ads ready-to-use and have me mentor you in your marketing go to:
