How to Get New Clients and Keep Loyal Clients…for $20 per Month

This is an underused method of advertising that brings in thousands of dollars in business every month for many cleaners…all for around $20 per month.

My Promise To You:

I’ll show you exactly how to make more money in the cleaning business and cheap way of getting new clients and keeping existing clients… all while only spending $20 per month.

What is this method of advertising?

Email marketing.  No, not spam email, but instead, permission based marketing.  Yes, you can design it so some people will automatically sign up for your email newsletters.  In some cases, this can be an automatic,  set-and-forget type of marketing.

Sending a regular email newsletter just like this has gotten my company over $2,500 in business with a single email. Of course, these results are after emailing our clients regularly and these results aren’t always typical.

Here’s what email will do for you:

• You’ll have the cheapest way of getting new clients and keeping existing clients.

• You NEVER have to worry about spending too much money to keep your clients.

• What else can you do with your advertising budget when you have budget to spare?

WARNING What I’m about to show you is one of the cheapest ways to capture prospects and keep existing clients.  But it by NO means should be the only marketing you do to keep your beloved clients.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND postcard and newsletter mailing to your clients…email marketing does NOT replace good mailers.  Instead, email marketing is a perfect enhancement to your client mailing program.

6 Killer Mistakes to Avoid With Email Marketing

  1. Do not send emails from outlook or your own email software
  2. Do not send emails solely for promotion.
  3. Do not allow huge gaps of time when you don’t mail them.
  4. Do not fail to put an opt in on your website.
  5. Do not forget to educate them and help them.
  6. Do not forget graphics, but every email doesn’t have to be pretty.

How to collect email addresses:

NOTE:  If you are sending emails, do it only if you have PERMISSION from the email address owner.  It is illegal to send email to anyone who has NOT given you their email address.  Do NOT purchase email addresses.  This is considered spam and will only buy you headaches.

Use an opt in box on your website:

Other ways to collect email addresses:

Opt-in box on your website for web lurkers

Special offer mentioned in snail mail newsletter for e-newsletter sign-up

Opt-in box on website for current clients

Over the phone when booking an appointment to email a confirmation

When clients fill in an authorization, leave space for email address

Give them reasons to opt-in…

Give away a FREE report

Show them an informative FREE video

Offer a coupon for dollar amount off

Give away a coupon for FREE room of carpet cleaning

KISS Principle:  Keep the opting in simple.  Only ask for their email address and possibly the first name.

What options do you have for your email newsletters?

1. You can send emails yourself.  This is the free way to do it but NOT ideal.  If you use Outlook, Gmail, or most others, you have the ability to send multiple broadcast emails.  Usually you can send around 50 emails at one time.  Any more than 50 may put your email at risk for getting red flagged for sending spam.  The downfall is that you can’t provide an automatic sign-up form on your website and users don’t have a way to automatically get off your newsletter list.  And of course, there are no auto-responder messages that can be sent automatically. This is my least recommended option.

2. FREE email services like and offer free email broadcast services.  As you may expect, these services are limited and their goal is to upgrade you to a paid status.  Some have the ability to place a sign up form on your website for automatic sign up.  However, many of the free services have a high rate of emails getting undelivered.  Also, ads are often present in the emails and none of them allow auto-responder messages to be sent.

3. Paid email services like , and offer broadcast email services.  Their rate of deliverability is usually higher than the free options.  As well, these paid services allow for auto-responder messages to be sent automatically when a user signs up for your e-newsletter.  Check with the individual provider because the specifics vary.  For example, Aweber allows for unlimited auto-responder messages, while Icontact only allows for six messages.  If you plan on using auto-responder messages (I would if I were you), check around before you sign up for a service.

FREE Email Marketing:  Yes, you can use your own email address for very small mailings under around 100 for FREE.

If you’re not a member of Constant Contact, use this link to get a 60 day FREE trial. 

Send out email newsletters based on the season.

13 Ideas For Profitable Email Marketing

1. Use Email Marketing to Build Permission-Based Lists. Prospects who give you permission to market to them are more likely to actually use your service.

2. Use a Reputable Email Delivery Service. Using a true email delivery system will get more of your emails delivered.  As well, you’ll look more professional and be abiding by the laws of email marketing.  (Examples:  Constant Contact, Aweber, Zookoda, Hitman’s New Email Autoresponder)

3. Give Web Visitors Reasons to Opt In. You must offer some sort of premium to entice visitors to give up their name and email address.

4. Avoid Spam Complaints With Consistent Mailings. Surprising as it sounds, mailing more often can reduce spam complaints.  Mail at least once every other week.

5. Autoresponders Can Be Used as Robotic Sales Agents. A sequence of contacts is a powerful way of delivering your sales message.  Set your messages up so they are delivered in automatic daily sequence.

6. Ask for the Sale in Every Email. Give valuable content your prospects want to read, but DO NOT forget to ask for the sale.

7. Use Subject Lines that Pull the Reader In. Write your subject lines so they are Personal and arouse Curiosity.

8. Start Each Email With Undeniable, Confirmed Truth. For instance, you may start with the date.  Make them say, “Oh yes, this is true.”

9.  Avoid making your email look like an ad.

10.  Send Short Emails That Creates Curiosity. The response you’re after is to get the email respondent to click the link to visit your site.

11.  Send Emails as Plain Text.  Plain text emails are delivered more often and seen as more personal.

12.  Always Honor Unsubscribe Requests. Avoid needless headaches.  An automatic email system like Constant Contact does this for you automatically.

13.  Unsubscribes will come.   People will unsubscribe.  Some will even complain they never subscribed to begin with.  Only half of your emails may get delivered.  Nonetheless, email marketing is one of the most lucrative forms of advertising you can do.

Email marketing is so cheap to use.  Use it now!

Want the printable PDF version of this blog post?

Download it by CLICKING HERE.


Coming Next Week:  Find out what gets the best response in your email marketing emails.

Spring Cleaning Marketing Plan [Download & Print]


Click Here to Download the Report

It’s the second most wonderful time of the year..

…Spring Cleaning!

Make sure you’re getting all you can out of it.

Here’s a report I just updated for you:

I’m giving you 31 marketing tactics you can use this spring to get more cleaning jobs.

Download it.

Print it.

Use it.

It’s FREE.

P.S. It’s all about helping you have the best spring season you’ve ever had. Take these ideas and do it.

Spring Cleaning Postcards Designed, Labeled, & Mailed For You

See details for the Ad Club by Clicking Here.

Most cleaners know this…

Sending postcards to your clients and targeted neighborhoods is one of the top advertising returns.

Few things to make sure:

  1. The postcard has to educate and set your company as unique.
  1. The postcard has to look and feel professional
  1. You MUST automate this process so you’re NOT stuck printing, labeling, and taking them down to the post office yourself.

I’ve got all this solved for you…

…And you can get this done for LESS than you can get it anyone else.

See this video I made for you that explains.


P.S. Details are in the video…plus I’ll show you some killer, educational postcard designs.


Jump Start Your Busy Cleaning Season Now

Get sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club here.

TONIGHT  I’m holding a special webinar THURSDAY at 7pm central time where I’ll be giving you more specific tips and answering questions.

Register FREE for TONIGHT’S webinar at:

5pm pacific | 6pm mountain | 7pm central | 8pm eastern

Right now is a very crucial time for planning your marketing.

Do you want to start spring cleaning at the beginning of March or wait until April?

The first few years I was in business, I sat around and waited for the spring rush to come.

And it eventually came…but it did NOT come as soon as I wanted it.

So then I put a few marketing techniques in play and WA-LAH…spring cleaning came earlier.

I just shot this video that explains and gives you examples.


P.S. This works to get spring cleaning jobs booked even in snowy areas. In fact, I have a specific advertising piece in the video for areas where it snows.

P.P.S. The main goal is to get them calling EARLIER and get your schedule BOOKED NOW. That’s what this is all about.

What Do You Do When the Cleaning Business is Slow?

Click Here to Download this Report Now!

Cleaners ask me this question at least a couple times a week this time of year.

“What do I do when business is slow?”

#1:  Double your referrals

#2:  Get more frequent cleanings from clients

#3:  Get BIGGER job tickets.

It’s all done with one simple marketing method:

* All of the most successful cleaning companies I know do it.

* Most cleaners I’ve seen do this have doubled their business.

* This always brings a more stable, steady income.

I wrote a special report for you to get FREE here that shows you.

P.S.  Would it help if 80 – 90% of your clients used you again and your clients never forgot you?


3 Cheap Ways to Get Cleaning Jobs in Winter

Details on the Ad Coaching Club Click Here

It’s still winter.

…and it’s going to last for another month and probably more.

Here’s a video I just shot for you that laser targets your EXACT ideal clients.

These are prospects who:

* Are very likely to call you

* Have the money to hire you

* Can bring you big job tickets

I’ll show you how we use the 1, 2, 3 punch to laser target our best prospects for little money.

P.S. This kind of campaign can be done in the dead of winter for as little as a few hundred dollars and yield BIG returns.

P.P.S. One of my clients used one of these tactics and got a 5000% return on his advertising investment.

Winter Marketing Plan for 2017

Just updated my Winter Marketing Plan for 2017.

Every December, I tweak this plan so it’s got the most up-to-date marketing tactics to help you stay busy in winter.

It’s FREE and it’s posted below for you.


Click Here to Download

Also, keep watching your email. I’ll be sending out a series of Winter marketing tips over the coming weeks. And soon, I’ll be doing a Free “Winter Marketing Prep” webinar.

Marketing Calendar for Cleaning Businesses

An Ad Club member recently asked me to put together a Marketing Calendar to see a plan for the entire year by dates. So here’s the marketing calendar. This will put the whole picture together for you in a snapshot.

I thought this would be a good start to the year to get some guys thinking about how to plan their marketing. I’ll be putting out my updated Winter Marketing Plan pretty soon with some specifics on these tactics.

Click to download

Click Here to See the Full Print Version

Cleaning Success Interview with David Hebert on Commercial Marketing

David Hebert lives in the wintery state of Massachusetts.  He uses his commercial cleaning accounts to keep his cleaning company busy throughout the winter.

In this interview, David talks about what he uses to get commercial cleaning accounts.  He talks about everything from how he gets in front of the gate-keeper to what he says once he gets there.

Listen to some of the tips he gives in this interview:

* You can download and listen later by clicking the download link above.