How to Get the BEST Commercial Cleaning Accounts

When I started my cleaning biz, one of my TOP goals was to get commercial accounts.

I knew regular, predictable sales would help me build a steady business.

*** The BIG dive EVERY cleaner fears ***

What happens on Dec 26th?  Your sales dive unless you do something now.

Commercial is a great way to fill that void because many businesses have their new budget for the year open and have the money to hire you for cleaning.

Why not get in on the commercial action this January?

Getting PROFITABLE commercial work takes marketing know-how.

You need to target the RIGHT commercial account with the RIGHT message.


The Good News: 

* There ARE commercial accounts that will schedule during the day!

* They WILL hire you in January and February

* They WILL pay you within 30 days or less!

* Many of them NEED cleaning during the week 9am – 5pm.


What question do YOU have about how to get the best commercial clients?

Ask me any commercial marketing question and I’ll answer it LIVE.

I’m holding a special webinar this WEDNESDAY at 7pm central time.

Register right now for the webinar at:

Can’t make the webinar?  Ask a question on the webinar sign-up page anyway and I’ll make sure you get the video replay of the webinar.

P.S.  Ask any question you like about how to get the BEST commercial cleaning accounts that you REALLY want.

P.P.S.  The webinar is happening this Wednesday night at 7pm central. 

Just click the link below now to register:

John Braun’s Presentation at the Ice Cleaning Expo in Las Vegas [Podcast #25]

Listen or download the audio presentation below:

I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am to have you part of what I’m doing in Hitman Advertising.

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to help cleaners all over the world grow their cleaning biz.

I thank you for helping me do what I love to do.

I want to give you the recording of a presentation I recently did at a national cleaning convention.

I’ve only given this out as a bonus to a few other clients. But I wanted to give it to you today because it goes with the subject of neighborhood marketing that we’ve been talking about lately.

You can see the video and/or download the MP3 audio and listen later.

Yes, it was recorded LIVE at the Ice Cleaning Expo.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Let your family and those around you know how much you love them today.

Holiday Postcards that Bring NEW Clients & Get Old Clients Back

Hurry! Get your postcards done for you now by signing up for one option below:

Sign up for the Ad Coaching Club Here.

Only want one postcard without signing up?  Get any postcard design for a one-time $99 design fee for non-members.

Click here to purchase 1 postcard design for $99.

One of the best times to be in the cleaning business…

…It’s the holiday season!

I LOVE online marketing in my cleaning business.

It’s cheap, but it has limitations.

What I found that works best is a healthy mix of both online and offline marketing.

For most of your clients, you’ll often have better success marketing to them offline.

Especially during the holiday season, this is the BEST time to do postcards.

For most of your clients, you’ll have better success marketing to them offline.

Here are some examples of great holiday postcards.

This month and next are some of the BEST months to advertise. People are getting ready for guest and they need you to help them prepare their home.

All you need to do is communicate the benefits you’ll give them and let them know how you can help meet their needs.

P.S. Yes, use this to get NEW clients. Then use this to build up your brand with your existing clients to get MORE referrals and repeat business.

NEW Neighborhood Marketing Tactic Doubles Response

See details on the Ad Coaching Club by Clicking Here

Okay, the election’s over! Now it’s time to get off our butts and go to work.

Whether your candidate won or not makes ZERO difference in your personal success.

YOU need to get up and make things happen.

The holiday season is one of our golden times to make bank.

If you want new clients, neighborhood marketing is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways to do it.

Here I show you a brand new tactic.

What I’ve done is taken some of the tried-and-true neighborhood marketing concepts we used years ago and adapted it into a postcard campaign…BOOM. I was happy with the results.

P.S. Use something like this to stay one step ahead of your competition. There’s a really good chance they’re not doing anything like this.

Thanksgiving Cleaning Postcards

FREE graphic design for Ad Club members.  That’s right, if you’re part of Hitman’s Ad Coaching Club, you get access to hundreds of ad templates (postcards, brochures, flyers, letters, and more) plus you get FREE graphic design on any ad once each month.

To see about becoming a member, see

Only want one postcard without signing up?  Get any postcard design for a one-time $99 design fee for non-members.

Click here to purchase 1 postcard design for $99.

After we design the postcard for you, enjoy the LOWEST COST printing available.  See examples below.

Get 1000 4 x 6 inch postcards for $43.

Get 500 4 x 6 inch postcards for $36.

Get 1000 5.5 x 8.5 inch postcards for $98.

Get 500 5.5 x 8.5 inch postcards for $75.

*Prices don’t include shipping, and prices subject to change.

If you want to speak with us live, call Theresa at 850-474-1110 Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm central.

Thanksgiving is When I Saw REAL Profit in the Cleaning Business

Sign up for the Ad Coaching Club Here

Back in November 2001…merely months after September 11th.

The economy was terrible. But I needed money.

My wife gave me notice that we needed to buy a house because our current house wasn’t suitable for our one-year-old who just started walking.

I needed to come up with a QUICK $10,000 for a down payment.

This was $10k on top of all our other bills and recoup from the slow down after September 11th.

Back then, it was only me and my assistant tech on the truck.

So I put together a solid marketing plan and banged it out.

I earned the extra $10k + another $5k for cushion.

That was the first time I REALLY saw big profit in my cleaning business.

I’d only been in business for a couple years and it was the first time I saw the rewards in repeat clients, referrals, and a my sales system.

How did I do it?  First, I had a goal I needed to meet.  Second, I had a plan.

What did I do? First, I marketed to my current clients so I could:

* Get more referrals

* Make sure they called ME instead of my competition

* Implement a plan to up-sell and build for the future

And I concentrated on getting NEW clients who paid my higher prices:

* No cheap, coupon based advertising

* New clients in high-end neighborhoods

* Using predictable, profitable marketing

This is the time to make maximum profit. But you MUST be ready! NEW clients don’t come banging your door down unless you plan for them to come.

NEW Changes to Google Every Cleaner Should Know

Click Here for details on the Ad Club

Click Here for info on Google Home Services

This could have BIG impact on cleaning searches on Google.

You’ll be wise for looking into this.

This can affect how your cleaning company ranks on Google’s page.

Plus, another change has already taken place in Adwords you should know about…

…it could already be affecting your click rates.

Google is always changing, so expect change.

If you want to get clients online, you need to stay on top of this.

I’ll show you what Google is up to in this video.

What’s the big motivation for Google? They want their users to have a good experience using Google…and of course…they want to make money.

Google changed big time in 2008, 2013, and now???

See for yourself.

Get More High-end Cleaning Jobs When You Establish Yourself as an Authority


This is closing now!

Click Here to have your own cleaning book entirely done for you.

Here’s an interview I recently did with Anthony Smith.

Anthony helps doctors, lawyers, web-based companies, and other companies establish themselves as an authority.

Listen to what we’ve decided to do to establish local cleaners as an authority.

We are creating a cleaning book for local cleaners!  But this offer is only available to 25 cleaners, so act now.

Click Here to have your own cleaning book entirely done for you.

Imagine being able to mail your prospects a copy of your new cleaning book, or walking into a carpet store and giving them copies to give their customers…close rates and referrals will skyrocket.

If you need to add to your credibility with carpet stores, realtors, and other commercial accounts, this is a great foot in the door.

But you need to act today because we’re getting the final orders in and if you wait until tomorrow it may be too late.

Make America Clean Again!

Click Here for Details on the Ad Club

Like past presidential elections, this election will keep your clients glued to their televisions and political web posts.

But for your cleaning business, this election could be worse than years past.

Your clients may get so involved with the election that they put cleaning on hold.  After all, people don’t start thinking about holiday cleaning until November.

What are you doing to stay busy this October?

Why not remind them about cleaning with a humorous political ad campaign to your clients and prospects via mail, email, and Facebook?

See the “Make America Clean Again” campaign in the video above.