Spring Cleaning Marketing Report

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Spring is just 10 DAYS away!

This is the time of year to make BIG, BIG money in the cleaning biz.

Here’s an entire marketing plan you can use to have the best Spring Cleaning season ever.

It’s all about selecting the IDEAL target prospects you want.

Get your Free spring marketing plan above.

You’ll see some killer tactics like:

* Online marketing tactics

* Client postcard and newsletter ideas

* EDDM postcards to new neighborhoods

* Extra free bonuses to give your clients

* Upsell and higher ticket ideas

P.S. I’ve updated the plan to show you the most recent stuff that’s working NOW.

P.P.S. Next I’ll be showing you how to use free and cheap internet strategies to gain attention of your clients and prospects. Watch your inbox.

P.P.P.S.  There’s no better time than NOW to get your marketing in gear.  Get some of these tactics right away and get started. 

Get ALL you can out of what you’ve got!

Start Your Busy Cleaning Season Now

Get details on the Ad Coaching Club at www.Hitmanadvertising.com/coaching

Are you ready to get REALLY busy now?

This is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  I love when the phone rings off the hook.  It sounds like money!

Would you like your clients and prospects to start Spring Cleaning next week?

If you introduce this concept to them, they’ll start calling you earlier.

Watch this video I just shot for you above.

It’s an entire campaign you can use for:

* EDDM postcards
* Client mailers
* Email newsletters
* Facebook campaigns
* Google Adwords
* Website & Blog

P.S.  Right NOW is the prime time to promote spring cleaning to your clients and prospects.  Don’t miss this opportunity.

Let me give you some ideas that have been working really well.

Commercial Cleaning Marketing Explained Step-by-Step

And here’s the MP3 Audio to download, listen later or listen now:

Click to download the report

Click Here to Download the Report

Here’s a clip from a private coaching webinar I did last week.

I’ve always found that people learn best when you SEE the plan in action and you READ the plan.

So I’ve set up both for you.

Watch the video above.

I got a lot of great feedback with some members telling me this was the best explanation of how to do commercial marketing they’d ever seen.

Simple. Direct. To. The. Point.

P.S.  Get some ideas on how to get as much of the commercial business you want and forget about the commercial clients you DON’T WANT.

P.P.S.  I’ll show you how to be TOP of MIND to commercial prospects for as little as $1.50 – $5 per lead.

Commercial Cleaning Marketing Q&A Video

Download the MP3 audio of this webinar (right click and save to hard drive)

2 Ways to Get the Commercial Marketing Package:

Option #1:  Get the Commercial Package Here
   (Get all the commercial training, brochures, postcards and sales letters)

Option #2:  Join Hitman’s Ad Club Here and Get the Commercial Package FREE
   (Plus get Winter marketing ads, brochure package, client postcards and more)

Getting commercial work is one key to creating a steady cleaning biz.

It’s especially GREAT for winter for reliable income, keeping employees busy, and giving a boost to your profit margin.

Right now, I’m opening a training series specifically on “How to Get MORE Commercial Accounts.”

Here’s the replay of a Q&A webinar I did a little while ago:

You’ll get answers to the most common commercial questions:

* What are the best commercial accounts?

* How do I get a mailing list for commercial?

* 3 common mistakes to avoid

* The most profitable marketing to get commercial accounts

P.S. You’ll get to see the webinar replay and you’ll get the MP3 audio download link in case you want to download it and listen later on your smart phone.

P.P.S. The commercial marketing training is starting now, so check this out.

Cleaning Campaign Got 5000% ROI

Click Here for details on the Ad Coaching Club
(Lots of Extra Bonuses This Month)

What’s the most important part of an ad campaign?

Is it the media you pick?

Is it the picture in the ad?

Is it the coupon?

In this video I’ll show you a campaign that got one cleaner a 5000% return on his investment…and many other cleaners the best marketing return ever.

And they did it all during winter.

See the video now above.

P.S. Winter doesn’t mean you have to wait until spring to get clients. But it does mean you have to do some things different.


Cleaners Beat the Slow Winter

Get the Ad Coaching Club BONUSES, CLICK HERE!

This is exactly what I needed to see when I was struggling to get clients:

Time to get in gear for 2016!

P.P.S  Here’s what the video is all about:

* You’ll see an mailer that got a 12-to-1 return.  Plus others have gotten their best response ever with this series.

* You’ll get Free and low-cost ways to get cleaning clients during the winter.

* You’ll see client postcards that get HIGH job tickets…even in January and February from cross-selling your services.

* You’ll unlock the secrets of creating a “Killer Offer” without lowering your price.

* And you’ll discover how to use Neighborhood Marketing with EDDM to target your ideal clients for only 16 cents per home.

Replay for the Marketing Planning & Goal Setting Webinar

Get ideas on getting your marketing and your goal planning off to a great start!  We did a one hour webinar the other night with my Ad Coaching Club members and a few guests.  Listen in on the replay here…

Find out how you can join the Ad Club Here.

Download or listen to the audio MP3 replay below:

New Year Postcards to Cleaning Clients

We just sent out our Happy New Year Postcards to our clients! January is one of the best times to rely on the people who’ve already done business with you…they’re the mostly likely to respond to your offer.

Here’s an example of a New Year Postcard and offer that has done REALLY well for lots of cleaners.

If you’d like to use this postcard template in your cleaning biz, I’ve got TWO options:

1. Here’s the link for for my Ad Coaching Club www.Hitmanadvertising.com/coaching where you’ll get this postcard template (and hundreds of other ad templates) and the option to have us print 1000 of these postcards for just $44.  Plus, current members get $1,936 in bonuses.

2.  Or, without being a member, you can get 1000 of these 4 x 6 inch postcards printed in high gloss, thick stock for $99 plus shipping.  The price includes design and printing!  Click here to order.

Side 1


Side 2

Click to see larger

Goofy Christmas Video

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

I just got back from a ski holiday over the weekend.

We went to Snowshoe, West Virginia. Nope, not much snow. But we still had fun.

I put on the old Santa suit, hooked up my new Gopro, and headed down the hill.

Here’s a video of me nearly taking out a couple kids.

Oh, and no comments about my sloppy skiing technique please… 😉

Have a blessed day with your family.

P.S. If you haven’t downloaded your complimentary “Winter Marketing Plan”, get it here and go over it this weekend when you get a chance.

Download the “Winter Marketing Plan” Right Here.

Your 2016 Marketing Plan for Cleaners

Click Here to DownloadClick Here to Download

Winter can be tough in the cleaning biz.

It’s especially tough if you don’t have a proven marketing plan.

What do successful cleaners do in winter?

Some take an extended vacation. Some struggle to barely get by on a minimum amount of jobs. And some do really well.

What are you planning on doing to get clients this winter?

Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.

Here’s an entire marketing plan with dozens of proven tactics.

Get the PDF Marketing Plan Report Above.

P.S. My clients have been using these tactics for years and some have gotten over a 20-to-1 return on their investment…Yes…even in cold, snowy areas during winter.

Download this step-by-step plan now. It’s Free.