Prepare NOW for Spring Cleaning [Podcast #22]

*Listen now or click “Download” to save it and listen later.

Spring is just 28 days away!

If you want to end the winter slow season early, I’ve got some tips for you.

I just recorded a brand new podcast for ICS Magazine and posted it over on my blog.

Listen to the podcast now or download it to listen later.

Plan early so all your ducks are in a row. Hit the ground running so you can have the busiest spring cleaning quarter EVER.

The first day of spring is March 20th… It’s the perfect excuse to kick off spring no matter how cold it is where you live.

Do this now so when March 20th rolls around your schedule will be full.

What to Do When Business is Slow? Show Your Clients Some Love!

Cleaners ask me this question at least a couple times a week this time of year.

“What do I do when business is slow?”

The answer I give is always the same exact thing.

First and foremost…

Postcard to send your clientsIf you haven’t mailed something to your entire client database in the past month, do it now. By this I mean mailing a postcard or newsletter in the physical mail to every single one of the people who paid you money in the past two years.

This alone will get your phone ringing if you give a somewhat compelling offer. These are your people. They are the reason you are in business. When you mail to them you remind them to call you. Plus this is a GREAT opportunity to educate them about your additional services they didn’t know you did. And when you give them a special offer, it’s an extra incentive to call you NOW.


Think Internet marketing. You can do FREE or very cheap marketing online. Mail an email newsletter to all the people you have emails for. Put that same special offer on your blog and Facebook page. Perhaps do a Facebook ad campaign that leads people to your Facebook page. And maybe even do a Google Adwords campaign to lead people to your blog post that announces the special offer.


Ramp up your referral marketing. This is a great time of year to talk with Realtors, Carpet Retailers, Flooring Retailers, Interior Designers, Plumbers, and other businesses who can refer you. Stop by with a gift bag filled with pre-packaged treats (cookies, candies, etc), educational brochures, and gift cards. Many of these businesses are slow too, so it’s a great time to plant seeds for future business relationships.


It’s always a good time to do some neighborhood marketing. Every door direct mail, aka EDDM, is the best way to do this. Send a special offer to key high-end neighborhoods that you really want to get into. With EDDM, the postage is only 15 – 17.5 cents per home.

Do something! Your business isn’t going to grow if you don’t work hard at it. These four tactics are tried and true any time your cleaning business is slow.

Join the Ad Coaching Club NOW and you instantly get access to over a hundred proven ads, postcards, brochures, newsletters, EDDMs, and more.  And you get my support to get the most profitable advertising possible.

Click Here Now to see Member Details.

Get This Report FREE Below:Click here to get the FREE report

Click Here to download this FREE report

Double Your Referrals and End the Winter Slump

We’re smack dab in harshest time of winter.

Some cleaning companies cry the blues and get no business

And other cleaning companies spend this time developing relationships with Clients, Carpet Retailers, Realtors, Interior Designers, and other referral sources.

You can get business to turn SLOW periods into BUSY times.

Get This Report FREE Below:Click here to get the FREE report

Click Here to download this FREE report

This report is focused on helping you build…

* Building a powerful brand that people will remember

* Steady income when YOU control the slow season

* Charging higher prices because you’re educating your clients

What Do Most Successful Cleaning Businesses Do?

I’ve found almost every successful cleaning business is serious about nurturing their clients and getting referrals.

And all of them have a system for doing it.

Without repeat clients you can’t succeed.

Without referrals you can’t succeed.

Get This Report FREE Below:Click here to get the FREE report

Click Here to download this FREE report

This report is focused on helping you build…

* Building a powerful brand that people will remember

* Steady income when YOU control the slow season

* Charging higher prices because you’re educating your clients

Survive or Thrive in Winter? [Podcast #21]

It’s all about taking advantage of the time of year.  Turn winter into your opportunity season! While your competitors are taking the easy way out, you can capitalize on their complacency. Most of your competition responds by giving up and taking the bare minimum amount of jobs they can get. While they’re cutting down their marketing or they’re on a low-budget vacation, you can take your market by storm.

7 Top Marketing Tactics to do NOW

See Details Here on Hitman’s Ad Coaching Club

Oh yes, winter is here.

What are the TOP marketing tactics you can be doing right now?

I just shot this video with the top 7 tactics.

P.S. This video was in response to questions about the “Winter Marketing Plan” I put out a few weeks ago.

I had questions about which tactics on the plan were the biggest priority.

So I gave you the top 7 in this video.

Winter Marketing Plan 2015

Just updated my Winter Marketing Plan for 2015.

Every December, I tweak this plan so it’s got the most up-to-date marketing tactics to help you stay busy in winter.

It’s FREE and it’s posted below for you.

Click here to get the report
Click here to get the report

Also, keep watching your email. I’ll be sending out a series of Winter marketing tips over the coming weeks. And soon, I’ll be doing a Free “Winter Marketing Prep” webinar.

3 Tips to Get Cleaning Jobs Now

Join the Ad Club… Member Details Here

Christmas is nearly here.

For many cleaning companies, this means the jobs STOP rolling in.  But you can do something to get your phone ringing again.

Last night I held a members only webinar where I gave some valuable tips on combating this common problem.

And I decided to post a “short” segment of that webinar on my blog.

These tips work NOW or any time when business suddenly slows down.

P.S.  If you are planning to get a few more jobs in before the end of the year, these are some quick tips that can help ANY cleaning biz.

How Much Money Can You Make in the Cleaning Business? [Podcast #19]

I interviewed Doyle Bloss, Marketing and Brand Manager for Hydramaster.  We uncovered a very important topic to help you define your market and make MORE money.

Why should cleaners know what the potential of their market place is?

Many cleaners think they can’t make as much in an area with low population, smaller homes, or income that’s lower than the national average.  Have you found these factors cripple the chance for success?

What about big metropolitan cities like Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, etc?  Is there much advantage in running a cleaning biz in big cities?

How can a cleaner find out what the potential is in his market?