Vegas RugLovers Tour, But I Can’t Go

Area rugs.

You’ve heard me talk about them before and how profitable rugs have been for my business.

And you should strongly consider making rugs a big part of your business.

Listen, if you’ve ever been…

  • afraid of cleaning area rugs
  • unsure how to make it part of your business
  • wondering how to make it profitable
  • confused on how to price the service
  • worried about your competition

There’s an important event happening soon that I’d LOVE to attend.  But I can’t go.  And I have a REALLY good excuse.  I’ll tell you more about my dilemma in a minute.  But first, hear about this.

The event is Barry O’Connell’s 2013 Vegas RugLovers Tour. It’s the most important event of the year that guarantees you will learn how to quickly build a profitable area rug cleaning business – no matter who your competition is.

Now before you decide anything, I want you to see a couple of things first:

1) A testimonial from someone who in less than a year was able to

  • start a area rug cleaning division along side their carpet cleaning business
  • shut down the painting company he hated but needed to keep
  • charge an average of $5.50 sq ft now (used to only be $1.25 at best)

Click here to get the details:

2) A case study on someone who created a 1000 percent (yes a thousand) increase in business.

The reasons why The RugLovers Tour is able to create success after success is because they

  • teach you how to be the best cleaner in your area.
  • show you how to powerfully market area rug cleaning (usually at zero cost)
  • show you why your competition doesn’t matter
  • help you even after the tour ends

The great thing about this year’s launch of the RugLovers Tour is its set to happen just before with the Experience Convention & Trade Show – and in the same hotel! So now once the RugLover Tour is done, stay for the Convention to take advantage of all that this show offers.

Why Won’t I Be Going To The RugLovers Tour???
I would really love to go but my wife says, “NO WAY!”

The fact is we are having our 4th baby right at the beginning of September. I tried to sweet talk her into letting me go, but ain’t happening!  But unless you have this same problem, you need to go.

So if you’ve ever thought about starting or growing the rug care part of your business then I most highly recommend you check this out and sign up asap as I hear the tour is headed for a sell out.

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

PS. This event is hosted by my good buddies Dusty Roberts and Barry O’Connell and they tell me that it gets cheaper when you bring the whole team.  The more people you bring the cheaper it is:

  •         1st person regular price.
  •         2nd team member 50% off.
  •         3rd or more team members 75% off.

P.P.S.  Get a $100 discount off your registration by using this code at checkout (all in lowercase): hitman

Neighborhood Marketing Step-by-Step

I just recorded a video for you.

You’ll see, step-by-step, how to set up your own neighborhood marketing campaign.

With this process, you can:

* Target any neighborhood
* Charge higher prices (no more 5 rooms for $XX)
* Be the sought after “Neighborhood Cleaner”

P.S.  If you don’t already have a solid neighborhood marketing plan in place that gets you leads regularly, you need to see this video.

See the video below right now:

See details on the Advertising Coaching Club at

Water Damage Restoration Marketing

There are LOTS of things you can do to drum up water damage business:

  1. Start marketing to plumbers.  Give them educational brochures and gift cards for free moisture inspections.  Become their friend by regularly visiting their offices with candy or treats.
  2. Market to Realtors. They constantly get calls from clients who have water or mold problems.  Give them the same educational materials and goodies.
  3. Market to carpet and flooring Retailers.  Give them the same brochures, educational materials and goodies.
  4. Market to your current clients.  Send them your newsletters and postcards with articles educating them about water damage.
  5. Market to high-end neighborhoods immediately after heavy rain or flooding.  Have postcards ready to go immediately after a heavy rain event.  You can send HUGE postcards through Every Door Direct Mail for 16 cents per piece.  Canvas the neighborhoods that are likely to have been affected the most and who have the money to readily pay for your services.

If you do these five things routinely, you’ll build up a great water damage business.  Just keep plugging away and all five of these.

5-Around Doorknob Hangers

Re: Five-Around Doorknob Hangers
From: John Braun

Here’s an interesting neighborhood marketing tactic…

When you clean for someone in a nice neighborhood, leave a doorknob hanger on five of the homes surrounding your client’s home.

But don’t just leave any old doorknob hanger.  It needs a few key components for it to get maximum bang.

Farming high-end neighborhoods is some of the most profitable advertising you can do. Pick the neighborhoods you want and go to work!

Click here to get 5-Around Flyers Done For YOU!

Getting Cleaning Clients Online for FREE [Podcast #4]

Need some ways to save money on advertising your cleaning business?

Today we’ll talk about FREE ways..

  • SEO Ranking.  What is SEO and ranking?
  • Google Places
  • Facebook
  • Email marketing

Listen to the podcast by clicking play below.

Or click the download link to put it on your Ipod.

In my Advertising Coaching Club, you’ll learn FREE ways to market your cleaning business online.

Click Here to Find Out How

Report: 5 Ways to Be the Neighborhood Cleaner

Re: Your Special Report- Neighborhood Marketing
From: John Braun

Over the 4th of July holiday, I asked you to give me your honest feedback.

Thanks so much! Now I have a good idea of what you want.

To start, I’ve written you this FREE report…

“5 Ways You Can Be the Neighborhood Cleaner.”

Neighborhood marketing was requested most often on the poll. And rightfully so! It’s the best way to target your ideal client.

Click here to download the PDF report

Click Here to Download the Report

Quick Marketing Poll

Some new things are coming and I want to know what you need marketing and advertising advice on. Let me know and you’ll have access to FREE training videos and reports I create on these subjects!

Low Budget Marketing Plan

Re: Low Budget Marketing Plan
From: John Braun

For cleaning biz start-ups and others on a tight budget…

“John, what kind of marketing should I do if I have a small budget?”

I constantly get this question from my coaching clients.

So I recently wrote this report for my coaching clients.  Originally, it was only available to my paid members.  But now, I’m making it available to everyone for a short time.

You’ll see a REAL LIFE, PROVEN, step-by-step marketing plan tailored for companies on a limited budget.

P.S.  If you take the time to develop a solid marketing plan, your cleaning company is FIVE TIMES more likely to prosper.

Click here to get the report

Click here to download the PDF report NOW!

Neighborhood Marketing [Podcast #3]

Targeting high-end neighborhoods is one of the best means of advertising a cleaning company can do.

You can use flyers to target neighborhoods, but Direct mail is the best way to get clients in the biggest homes, in the best neighborhoods, and in an area of town you want to service.

  1. The old way with bulk mail where you buy mailing list.
    1. Yearly bulk mail permit fee.
    2. 25 cents bulk mail
    3. With mailing list, continually clean up mailing lists.
  2. The new way with EDDM no contract and 16 cents per home!
  3. EDDM requires
    1. Mailer be at least 6×8 inches and up to 12×14.
    2. Print it with the proper insignia and info.  Local Postal Customer City, State.
  1. Tips for better response of your EDDM.
    1. Include a compelling headline on each ad with a big promise or big benefit.  You’ll Get the Cleanest Carpet in Atlanta or The Secret to Removing Any Pet Stain.
    2. Include an offer with each ad.  Don’t just use X rooms for $X.  Do something your competitor is NOT doing.
    3. When you mail to a neighborhood, don’t be a one hit wonder.  Remember not everyone is interested in cleaning at the time you mail to them.
    4. Try EDDM.  Many cleaners love the versatility and the type of clients they get.
      1. Commit to a small test of at least 1000 homes.
      2. Mail to the same people at least three times.
      3. Mail them a great offer with a big promise.
      4. Once you get a system down that gets a great response, do it over and over.

Report: Target ANY Neighborhood

Coaching club details at

Want cleaning clients in high-end neighborhoods?

Every Door Direct Mail (aka EDDM) has been killing it for MANY cleaning companies.  It’s by far the easiest and lowest cost way to target any neighborhood.

* Mail for as little as 16 cents per home

* No permit or yearly fee required

* Target only the neighborhoods you want

This is the best thing that’s come along for cleaning companies since Google.

And there’s a good chance your competitor is NOT doing this.

See the report NOW by clicking below or call 888-211-7702 to get the report mailed to you.

Click here to download the PDF report

Click here to get the report