Double Profit for Cleaning Businesses

Get coaching and marketing help in my Ad Coaching Club here.

Double your profit?

I’ll give you 4 ways to DOUBLE the profit in your cleaning business.

See this new video I made for you.

Hear a bit about my story and what I learned about getting my own cleaning business to make a profit.

It didn’t come naturally.  I had to learn it.

If you want to build a successful cleaning business and take more time off with friends and family, you need to see this.

What defines success for a business?  Profit.  It will benefit you greatly to concentrate on this.

carpet cleaning busienss profit.


My New Mastermind Group for Cleaners

This may not be for you, but maybe a fellow cleaner you know…


On high demand, I’ve been silently working on a brand-new mastermind program for cleaning owners.


We’re focusing on a combo of the HOTTEST client acquisition techniques that I see cleaners using and strategies to increase profitability per client.


That is to say… we will be helping you gain MORE business while driving MORE PROFIT directly into your pockets.


Because…more clients and more work is NOT why I opened my cleaning company years ago.


My goal was always to serve great clients, with great services, and make a great living…while taking lots of vacations.


That’s what inspired me to study, test, develop, learn, and implement both offline and online marketing, systems, and operations…


… and my cleaning business grew to one of the biggest, most known in town as soon as I did the work that allowed me to remove myself from the day-to-day services.


No longer was I micro-managing team members or fulfilling the cleaning services myself.


I learned how to build a dream business that I eventually sold.


And with that I recognized my passion was always growing businesses.


Which is why I’m excited to start my brand-new, Hitman’s Platinum Mastermind.


This is the first time I’m opening this up, so I want to keep the group small so I can help each of you massively grow your business!


We have room for just 5 more cleaning owners and together we’ll be working together for 3 months to dramatically increase profits.


This program isn’t cheap.  And it may not be for you.  But if you’re interested, I have 10 appointments available next week if you’re open minded to learn more about the program.


ASAP…Book a meeting here so we can chat about it.


I’ll be making sure the members are NOT competing in the same market so we can all work together.


On this meeting I will share further details about what strategies we will be focusing on and we can review if you would be a good fit to join.


Excited to kick this off in the next week.


Let’s make 2022 the best year yet of business!


P.S.  It is first come, first serve to be fair to everyone. I only have 10 times left for next week.


Hurry…here’s where you can book:




Commercial Marketing 101

In this training, you’ll find the exact strategies I’ve used and have taught hundreds of Cleaners to get the best Commercial Cleaning accounts in their city.

Download the NEWLY UPDATED Commercial Marketing Plan Below:

Click to download the report

Click Here to Download the Report


See how the commercial email series works here.


2 Ways to get all the letters, postcards, emails, and Google ads:

#1: Join the Ad Club Details Right Here.


#2: Sign up for the Commercial Course Here.

Commercial cleaning can be GREAT.

But you have to target the right clients.

Here’s my process for getting the BEST commercial clients:

You want commercial accounts for:

🎯Regular, dependable income.

🎯Keep employees busy.

🎯To make the highest dollar amount per hour possible.

But you want to avoid all the cheap, want it done today, pay you in 100+ days, commercial clients.

This video outlines the whole commercial marketing process in just a few minutes.

Want a FREE step by step training on how to get more commercial cleaning clients?

(I used these strategies to get the best commercial accounts in my city)

In this FREE training I reveal: 

Facebook Business manager setup

An entire marketing plan (PDF download)

What are the best commercial accounts?

3 common issues to avoid many prospects have

What to do instead of COLD calling (especially if you hate it)

How to get in front of the DECISION MAKER for a commercial cleaning account.

Urgent to Contact Past Cleaning Clients

See sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club Here.

If you do it at all this year, now is prime time.

Your clients are in buying mode. As a business owner, you need to concentrate on selling.

See how to get MORE cleanings & HIGHER job tickets.

Guests are coming. Your clients need to get their house looking and smelling clean.

Don’t make them work to find you. It’s your job to contact them.

Don’t send them into the hands of your competition!

See Thanksgiving and holiday marketing ideas that can get you more referrals and HIGHER job tickets.

Your competition is NOT doing this! If you want to be successful, you should do what they are NOT doing.

contact cleaning clients

What Do You Want to Get DONE in Your Cleaning Business?

I’m putting together an exclusive mastermind for a select few cleaning companies.  I’m curious about what you’re most interested in getting DONE in your cleaning business.  If you fill out the survey, as a thank you, I’ll let you in on a special gift once the mastermind is launched.

marketing done for cleaning business

Free Cleaning Software Set Up

Ad coaching members can get FREE email, texting, and scheduling software access.  You only have to sync the FREE email system or the super cheap texting system as shown below.

If you’re not a member yet, you can sign up for the Ad Club right here>>>

Sign-up for these 2 profiles:

Send in Blue for Email Marketing Sync

Twilo for Texting and Voicemail Drop Sync (recommend $20 deposit and $1 per month for a phone number)

Here’s what you need to email us (watch videos):

  1. Log in for Send in Blue (username, email address, and MASTER password)
  2. Twilio Account SID and authorization token
  3. Your Twilio phone number

Click Here for training on how to use the software after it’s set up.

How to Set Up Brevo for Emails:


How to Set Up Twilio:


Keep in mind, some members use it for their scheduling software and email software. Some members only use it for their emails and other members use it only for their texting past clients.

Also, we’ll automatically plug in an entire series of residential and commercial emails for you for FREE too.  Just email us to request them after your software is set up.

Your email list: Put your client list into a CSV file.  This is the most common file that is used throughout platforms.  Quickbooks, Housecall, Servicemonster, or any database should export it in this file.

Free cleaning software

Quick Lesson in Branding a Cleaning Business

Get help with emails, texts, postcards, and branding your cleaning company in the Ad Coaching Club Here

Do you want to clean for your clients again?

If YES, you need to build that relationship through branding.

If NO, you need to re-do your entire marketing plan because you’re getting the WRONG CLIENTS.

Watch the branding lesson here:

You’ll find out:
💰What the most successful cleaners do.
💰The dangers of email and text marketing.
💰What happens if you don’t contact clients for several months?

P.S. When you get this, many cleaners see a 75%+ repeat client ratio.  You’ll keep more clients, get more referrals, and get HIGHER job tickets.
I did a survey on my Facebook Cleaning Marketing Group and here are some of the answers I got…

Frequent branding does 3 things:

  1. Your clients know you’re still in business.
  2. Clients know about all the services you do.
  3. Clients know about the benefits of those services.

Important note:  I had two big companies PM me saying they send every single month to thousands of their past clients.

Your past clients are your gold mine.  The #1 part of your company.

Without frequent communication, they will never know about these.

  1. Surveys show 80% of your clients don’t remember your company name. Brand quickly.
  2. Can’t afford it.
  3. I’m already too busy. Build your brand!
  4. I’m too busy being busy. This doesn’t mean busy making money, just busy.
  5. I send email or texts instead.
  6. I send reminder postcards every 6 – 12 months.

Branding your cleaning business

Commercial Email Newsletters

Get sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club Here

Here’s an update on commercial marketing…

We’ve already had a residential email series and a reminder series for a while.  Now we have commercial email series.

See them right here.

And there’s even better news!  All of your company contact info and logo are automatically entered.  You don’t have t edit the emails one by one.  It’s all set to go.

Soon we’ll be adding more emails, postcards, and sales letters into the commercial marketing course.

Commercial email newsletters

Be Unique in Your Cleaning Business

Get sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club Here

How to Be Different?

  • Guarantees
  • Specialty service expertise
  • Testimonials from prominent clients
  • Business relationships/associations
  • Educating clients & yourself
  • Killer offer
  • Get REALLY good at one media

If you want to charge more for your cleaning…

If you want to stay in business…

You NEED to be different.

See this video on how you can make your company unique:

I should be able to call you in the middle of the night and ask, “How are you different from other cleaners in your city.”


And you should be able to QUICKLY tell me at least 3 noteworthy points on how you’re different.

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S.  Get the list of ways in which YOU can be different.  This is one of the most important things to concentrate on before you start marketing.

Marketing 101 right here.  Get this down pat!

USP in the carpet cleaning business

How to Get the Highest Prices for Cleaning

Details on the Ad Coaching Club Click Here.

Get the FREE Cleaning Marketing Plan Here.

Are you the highest priced cleaner in your city?

#1 Set yourself apart and be professional.

Make sure to use a uniform, clean truck, clean equipment, website, brochures, gift cards, & leave behinds.

Develop a USP & Guarantee!

#2 Promote your brand after cleaning!  Both online and offline.

If you’re not sending an email newsletter and your competitor is, he’s branding better.

#3 Synergy.  Massive action that brings it all together.

Highest cleaning prices