Marketing Planning Calendar for Cleaners

Here’s a cleaning marketing calendar to give you ideas.

Click Here to Download the Calendar (PDF)

For Ad Club members, here’s the Excel Spreadsheet with direct links to help you plan.

Download the Excel Spreadsheet

Click Here to Download the Excel Sheet


I got several requests to put together an updated marketing calendar.

So Happy New Year, here it is…

I thought this would be a good start to the year to get you thinking about how to plan your marketing.

Also, I put out my updated Winter Marketing Plan so you can see some specific examples of these tactics.

Download the FREE marketing calendar and marketing plan now at the link below.

Click Here to Download the PDF Report

Urgent to Contact Past Cleaning Clients

See sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club Here.

If you do it at all this year, now is prime time.

Your clients are in buying mode. As a business owner, you need to concentrate on selling.

See how to get MORE cleanings & HIGHER job tickets.

Guests are coming. Your clients need to get their house looking and smelling clean.

Don’t make them work to find you. It’s your job to contact them.

Don’t send them into the hands of your competition!

See Thanksgiving and holiday marketing ideas that can get you more referrals and HIGHER job tickets.

Your competition is NOT doing this! If you want to be successful, you should do what they are NOT doing.

contact cleaning clients

Quick Lesson in Branding a Cleaning Business

Get help with emails, texts, postcards, and branding your cleaning company in the Ad Coaching Club Here

Do you want to clean for your clients again?

If YES, you need to build that relationship through branding.

If NO, you need to re-do your entire marketing plan because you’re getting the WRONG CLIENTS.

Watch the branding lesson here:

You’ll find out:
💰What the most successful cleaners do.
💰The dangers of email and text marketing.
💰What happens if you don’t contact clients for several months?

P.S. When you get this, many cleaners see a 75%+ repeat client ratio.  You’ll keep more clients, get more referrals, and get HIGHER job tickets.
I did a survey on my Facebook Cleaning Marketing Group and here are some of the answers I got…

Frequent branding does 3 things:

  1. Your clients know you’re still in business.
  2. Clients know about all the services you do.
  3. Clients know about the benefits of those services.

Important note:  I had two big companies PM me saying they send every single month to thousands of their past clients.

Your past clients are your gold mine.  The #1 part of your company.

Without frequent communication, they will never know about these.

  1. Surveys show 80% of your clients don’t remember your company name. Brand quickly.
  2. Can’t afford it.
  3. I’m already too busy. Build your brand!
  4. I’m too busy being busy. This doesn’t mean busy making money, just busy.
  5. I send email or texts instead.
  6. I send reminder postcards every 6 – 12 months.

Branding your cleaning business

How to Get the Highest Prices for Cleaning

Details on the Ad Coaching Club Click Here.

Get the FREE Cleaning Marketing Plan Here.

Are you the highest priced cleaner in your city?

#1 Set yourself apart and be professional.

Make sure to use a uniform, clean truck, clean equipment, website, brochures, gift cards, & leave behinds.

Develop a USP & Guarantee!

#2 Promote your brand after cleaning!  Both online and offline.

If you’re not sending an email newsletter and your competitor is, he’s branding better.

#3 Synergy.  Massive action that brings it all together.

Highest cleaning prices

Have the Best Fall Cleaning Season Ever [Fall Marketing Plan]

Get FREE Bonus templates for Facebook Ads, Google Ads, EDDM postcards, and more.  Click Here for details on joining the Ad Coaching Club.

In the cleaning biz, you can close out the last quarter BIG.

For most of us, it’s our busiest season.

But you have to concentrate on getting MORE referrals, MORE frequent cleaning, and HIGHER job tickets.

Your marketing must specifically target these objectives. It won’t happen by accident.

Lots of marketing examples here.

4 marketing tactics using…

* Facebook Ads
* Google Ads
* Client Mailers
* EDDM Postcards

It’s the last quarter. Make the most of it! This plan will help.

Fall Cleaning Marketing

#1 BIG Marketing Mistake Cleaners Make?

Get templates already written and designed for you in my Ad Coaching Club here.

Many cleaners don’t get it.

But the successful cleaners do.

I asked my Facebook group what they thought was the #1 mistake.  It’s no surprise that the cleaners who answered correctly have well-established carpet cleaning, tile cleaning, and maid service businesses.

When you understand this, you’ll have a better brand for your cleaning business, and you can make more profit.

Before I answer, know that I didn’t make this up.  Nearly every marketing pro and I learned this first in Intro to Advertising.

And the answer is…marketing to your EXISTING CLIENT BASE.

STOP chasing new clients!

How much easier is it to clean for past clients?

Cleaning Marketing Mistake

Email Marketing – How to Become an Email Marketer

Hide behind a fake email address when you are using the email marketing system which includes the built in spam filter. Spam email can ruin your reputation with clients. By disguising your identity, you make it easier for your clients to identify you by your real email address.

a) Some spam filters also use keywords that are not found in the dictionary, and this results in your message being sent to a separate bulk mail folder for keywords that are common to other messages. It is necessary to include this keyword in your subject line.

b) It is possible to have a subject line with a keyword but then they will not understand what it is about and will not open the mail. It is better to choose only one keyword in the subject line.

c) There are numerous spam filters that can be applied to your email messages. There are many of them at “spam filters” websites. Spam filters with large number of rules apply to a user’s messages automatically, and they apply rules that are based on keywords, and, then, apply further rules if the message contains spam keywords.

Standard email format for the information industry

It is a basic test of a sender’s professionalism to respect the standards of the information business. When sending anything other than information that is directly related to the topic of the message, a sender must follow a pattern that is professional. A large majority of professionals in the internet marketing world have no concept of the difference between legitimate business communications and spam. Spammers will build entire websites around keywords and then send email with the sole intention of getting your message opened. This can destroy the reputation of your company. It should be obvious that an email that you sent has no purpose other than to waste your customers time and may even have negative connotations with your customers. If you have a legitimate information company with information to offer your customers, then you should take great care in designing the email to ensure your message is sent to someone who is genuinely interested in your message. There are many guidelines that can help ensure a professional environment for your messages.

* Be respectful and wait for feedback. If you have a great message to offer, then you should wait for a response from someone who is genuinely interested in your information before you try to sell.
* Only try to sell after the customer has requested information or asked to be removed from a list. This helps to avoid the chance of the customer being offended.
* Only try to sell once the customer has received something of value. If the customer has requested information on a topic that is irrelevant to your message, then you are wasting the client’s time.

The importance of email marketing cannot be overstated. The information is that easy, the ability to communicate to a great number of people at the same time is that easy. In many ways, email marketing is the most cost-effective tool to advertise a company, product, or service.

Marketing Plan Explained

The Marketing Plan Explained Video

Get sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club Here

Cleaning Marketing Plan Guide for Cleaners

Click to Instantly Download the Full Report


I just shot a new video explaining how to use the cleaning marketing plan PDF that I put out last week.

Go see the new video above.

This video explains the plan of what I’ve used and have personally seen other successful cleaning companies use.

What type of marketing works?  Does SEO work?  Google ads?  Postcards?  Does anything work?

You’ll get the video and the PDF marketing plan at the link above.

Get them both now FREE.

If you need ideas for branding your company or getting more business coming in, you need to see this video.  I shot it for you.

#1. Massive action brings money.  Spending money SMART.

Print this plan out!  Decide on 5 things to work on each week.

#2.  Don’t fail to implement! 

Don’t be scared to try advertising.  Many who don’t want to advertise, tried it and failed.  So now they’ve resolved to be happy with one truck or having a business that doesn’t get the sales they want.  Don’t be afraid to try it again in a smarter way.

What Cleaning Clients REALLY Want

Sign up for the Ad Coaching Club Here to get all the templates, FREE graphic design, and help getting marketing done.

Want to charge more than your competition?

Concentrating on what your clients WANT is one of the most important things you can do.

See the 6 most common things cleaning clients want:

It’s not always what you think.

A few of these things I’m hesitant to tell you about.  But nonetheless, I’m laying it out on the line.

Sell your cleaning clients these 6 things and you’ll be well ahead of your competition.

I’ve done surveys myself and I’ve seen surveys from several other marketers like Howard Partridge and Jim Wolverton. So later, I’ll post what I’ve learned over my 24 years of experience.

Hiring a cleaning business

Have You Heard About This?

Sign up for the Ad Club now and get this software FREE.

Did you hear what happened?

This may be one of the biggest opportunities for cleaning businesses in a while.

For the past few weeks, we’ve been setting up marketing automation software for clients.

It sends automated thank you and reminder emails, texts, and generates reviews.

It does scheduling on your website, phone, or desktop computer.  Yes, clients can even book on your website.

Then, we found a way to set up automated emails so you can send monthly email newsletters to past clients, prospects, realtors, and property managers.

So NOW we’re adding monthly email templates that are built into your software already done!  It’s all included FREE for Ad Club Members.

Oh…Did I mention the software is still FREE to ad club members who sign up now or who are currently signed up?

This is perfect for any cleaning business that wants automated client marketing.

There’s now a FREE way to set up sending up to 300 emails a day!  It’s all part of the package.

Check out the sign up link above for details.

Unique Selling Point for Cleaning Businesses

Click here to sign up for the Ad Coaching Club

This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things to get about marketing.

If you want to charge more and be sought after by your clients, you need a good USP.

What is a USP?

It’s a unique selling point or proposition.

How can you use a USP to get higher prices?

How can a USP give you faithful clients that will NEVER use another cleaner?

A statement that says you’re different in a way that benefits your client.

It does NOT have to be a slogan, but it can be.

It does NOT have to be something your competition isn’t doing.

It DOES have to be something your competition isn’t known very well for doing.

If they are known for it, you’re simply doing “me too” marketing, which is weak.

It DOES have to be backed up by marketing and company procedures.

It DOES have to be believable!

How is Your Cleaning Business Different?

A good USP will bring you faithful clients that will NEVER use another cleaner.

It’s basically a statement that says you’re different in a way that benefits your client.

It does NOT have to be a slogan, but it can be.

It does NOT have to be something your competition isn’t doing.

It DOES have to be something your competition isn’t known very well for doing.

It DOES have to be backed up by marketing and company procedures.

It DOES have to be believable!

Find out how to put your own USP into play to get higher job tickets and more faithful clients.  This is the key to building a better brand.


Good USPs.


The best guarantees in Atlanta.


Your neighborhood cleaning company.


Trusted cleaning company with a spotless reputation.


Carpet dries 5X faster.


Low residue carpet cleaning.


Fastest response time of any cleaning or restoration company.


Service is on time or it’s FREE.


Pet odor removal experts.


Certified, trained cleaning experts.


Commercial cleaning experts.


All natural, environmentally friendly cleaners.


Stain removal experts that can remove any stain…guaranteed.


Disinfectant specialists.