Is Your Cleaning Business Open?

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Cleaning business open?

Your cleaning clients don’t know.

If you’re open, LET THEM KNOW.

Here’s a video with some ways to do that.

Your clients are the most valuable asset in your company.  Tell them what you’re doing.  Tell them you’re available.

P.S.  Many cleaners are doing much better…especially when they start doing these marketing tactics.





Love Your Cleaning Clients This Valentine’s Day

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Your cleaning business relies on getting new clients.
…And keeping existing clients.

February is the PERFECT time…in prep for spring.

Watch this video to see how to keep clients and get new ones.

Here’s what happens when you show your clients love:

* They’ll never use anyone else because they’re more connected to you.

* They are MORE apt to refer you in the spring.

* They’ll feel better about spending more money with you.

But wait, there’s MORE!  It runs full circle!

Here’s what happens to prospects who aren’t clients yet:

* Surrounding neighborhoods will see the love you have for your clients and want to use you.

* Online users will see how you care about your clients and want to use your cleaning service.

Realtors, Flooring Retailers, Interior Designers, and other people see it and want you too.

It’s a perfect time to do it right now, so get started!

Do this and it’ll help you prime your business for a killer SPRING.

How to Use Client Education to Double Your Sales

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To grow your cleaning business, you need sales.

You can get MORE sales by educating your clients and prospects.

This is what the most successful cleaners I know do.

See this new video.

Do this with email marketing, postcards, newsletters, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

It’s about marketing to Clients, Prospects, Realtors, Retailers, Property Managers, Pet Groomers, Contractors, Vet…or ANYONE who can refer your service.

Do Client Newsletters Still Work? [New Article in Cleanfax]

This is a challenge for cleaners: 

How to get clients to call for your different services, charge what you’re worth, and refer you more frequently.

The Solution:

Mix digital marketing with other media to reach MORE clients.

See my new article in Cleanfax Magazine here:

I’ll show you what to communicate and which media to communicate with.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly…

Find out the GOOD and BAD points of different media that is used to market to past cleaning clients and hot prospects.

It’s up to you to make sure your clients NEVER forget you and to educate them about all of your services.  How else will you do it?

Cleaning Reminders

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Your cleaning clients forgot you:  Here’s how to remind them.

Spring is almost here, so it’s a great time to remind your clients.

This will help you:

* Get clients calling you instead of your competition.

* Get MORE referrals.

* Get bigger job tickets.

I’ll show you ways to do this with inexpensive postcards, flyers, and email newsletters.

See one flyer that has gotten some of my clients the BIGGEST advertising response they’ve ever gotten.

Cleaners Were Ticked

Go Here to Sign up for the Ad Club and Get Newsletters, Postcards, and More Done-for-You.

A large supplier of cleaning newsletters recently decided to STOP operations.

Many cleaners were disappointed and complained on Facebook.

They LOVED the REPEAT clients and REFERRALS they got from sending these newsletters.

But it’s okay. You can still get cleaning newsletters and postcards.

And here’s the GOOD NEWS…

You can get these large, glossy, full-color newsletters done for MUCH less.

It’s around 44 cents for EVERYTHING (printing, postage, folding, and labeling). All done for you.

Or you can get the newsletter and send it yourself for as little as $85 for 1000 tri-folded, glossy newsletters.

See some of the templates here.

There’s MUCH more where that came from. Email newsletters, Facebook posts, and other client educational marketing.

This helps you get more referrals, more repeat clients, and higher job tickets.

Next Week it’s CRITICAL to Contact Cleaning Clients

This next week is critical if you want to keep your clients and get referrals.

You don’t want them calling or referring your competition on accident.

The holidays start next month, so they’re thinking STRONGLY about cleaning.

If you haven’t contacted them in the past two months, there’s a REALLY good chance they don’t remember your company name.

If your clients ever ask you for your company name when writing a check, they don’t remember.

The business card and fridge magnet you left them? They’re probably lost.


See this video of some campaigns I’ve done.

Pre-Holiday marketing is the best client retention you can do.

I’ll show you a campaign we did last year that branded our company well.

This is the time of year we rely on past clients to refer us so we can make MAX profit by the end of the year.

Here’s how to do it.

$50 or $150 an hour Cleaning?

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cleaning business positionHow much do you make an hour cleaning?

I’m talking about the actual time from job start to finish.

This is one of the most important numbers to watch.

Why do some cleaners make $150 per hour and another cleaner in the SAME CITY makes only $50 an hour?

It has NOTHING to do with pricing by the room or square foot. It has NOTHING to do with your method of cleaning or how well you clean.

It has everything to do with POSITIONING.

See 7 ways to position your company to charge what you want.

Position yourself right and charge what you want to charge.

It’s amazing how much some cleaners charge…and how little other cleaners charge.

Don’t be the cleaner who doesn’t position your company well and goes out of business. Poor positioning is the fastest way to lose money.

Calendar for Your Cleaning Marketing Campaigns

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We’re half way into 2017.

How’s your cleaning biz going?

Have you been getting all the NEW clients you need to meet your goals?

I wrote up a “Marketing Calendar” designed to help you plan your marketing throughout the year.

It’s all about planning your online and offline marketing campaigns.

It’s a one-page, printable calendar.

And I just shot a short video to give you examples of this marketing

See the video and get the “Marketing Calendar” above.

P.S. Download and then print out the marketing calendar and plan right now so you can get started planning your cleaning biz.

P.P.S. After you download the calendar, watch this video to see examples from the calendar.

Show Your Cleaning Clients Some Love This Summer

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Here’s a video I just made for you.

It’ll give you some ideas for marketing this summer

Doing this has helped other cleaners:

* Get new clients in high-end neighborhoods

* Have a repeat client ratio at 85%

* Double their referrals

* Get HIGHER job tickets

Watch the video above.

P.S. It’s not just about getting more clients. It’s about building a valuable brand and connecting YOU with your ideal clients.