Instantly Build Trust With Carpet Retailers, Realtors & High-End Clients

Get Your Review Copy of This Book Here!

It’s hard to stand out and educate your customers.

In a digital marketing world, your clients can’t tell the difference between marketing materials and educational materials.

Sure, you send newsletters, write blog posts, and post to social media.

But even what’s educational and meant to position you as a company to trust, is often rejected at first glance because it still looks and feels like advertising.

This solves that problem.

*** Here’s the PERFECT sales and conversion booster THAT NEVER GETS REJECTED OR IGNORED***

Write your own book on cleaning and become the trusted expert!

I’ve written the book for your company. You’ll get private label rights to use my book in your city.

Click the video above to see a quick walk-through of the book

*  Start Working With Clients Who Know What They’ll Lose If they DON’T hire you…

* Never Deal With An Uneducated Cleaning Prospect Again

* Never Deal With Prospective Clients Beating You Up About Your Price

P.S. Stop throwing thousands of dollars away on advertising and do something to build TRUST so you hold a position in the market.

Get Your Review Copy of This Book Here!

FAQ about this book:

How much are the private label rights and customization?

$997 total.  That’s it.  The fee includes graphic design, customization of the cover, small changes to one chapter, and rights to use the book in your city.  The only other thing you’ll need to pay for is the printing of each book. 

How much is it to print each copy?

Approximately $2.85 plus a small shipping fee.

Is there a minimum order to get a book printed?

There’s no minimum.

Can I change some or part of the book?

There is room for changing small parts of the book.  Typically, a carpet cleaning company may want to change the section about the method of cleaning if they strictly do dry cleaning.  Small amounts can be changed for no charge, but changing more than a couple hundred words or changing text in several places may have a small additional fee.

Jump Start Your Busy Cleaning Season Now

Get sign up details for the Ad Coaching Club here.

TONIGHT  I’m holding a special webinar THURSDAY at 7pm central time where I’ll be giving you more specific tips and answering questions.

Register FREE for TONIGHT’S webinar at:

5pm pacific | 6pm mountain | 7pm central | 8pm eastern

Right now is a very crucial time for planning your marketing.

Do you want to start spring cleaning at the beginning of March or wait until April?

The first few years I was in business, I sat around and waited for the spring rush to come.

And it eventually came…but it did NOT come as soon as I wanted it.

So then I put a few marketing techniques in play and WA-LAH…spring cleaning came earlier.

I just shot this video that explains and gives you examples.


P.S. This works to get spring cleaning jobs booked even in snowy areas. In fact, I have a specific advertising piece in the video for areas where it snows.

P.P.S. The main goal is to get them calling EARLIER and get your schedule BOOKED NOW. That’s what this is all about.

What Do You Do When the Cleaning Business is Slow?

Click Here to Download this Report Now!

Cleaners ask me this question at least a couple times a week this time of year.

“What do I do when business is slow?”

#1:  Double your referrals

#2:  Get more frequent cleanings from clients

#3:  Get BIGGER job tickets.

It’s all done with one simple marketing method:

* All of the most successful cleaning companies I know do it.

* Most cleaners I’ve seen do this have doubled their business.

* This always brings a more stable, steady income.

I wrote a special report for you to get FREE here that shows you.

P.S.  Would it help if 80 – 90% of your clients used you again and your clients never forgot you?


Winter Marketing Plan for 2017

Just updated my Winter Marketing Plan for 2017.

Every December, I tweak this plan so it’s got the most up-to-date marketing tactics to help you stay busy in winter.

It’s FREE and it’s posted below for you.


Click Here to Download

Also, keep watching your email. I’ll be sending out a series of Winter marketing tips over the coming weeks. And soon, I’ll be doing a Free “Winter Marketing Prep” webinar.

Marketing Calendar for Cleaning Businesses

An Ad Club member recently asked me to put together a Marketing Calendar to see a plan for the entire year by dates. So here’s the marketing calendar. This will put the whole picture together for you in a snapshot.

I thought this would be a good start to the year to get some guys thinking about how to plan their marketing. I’ll be putting out my updated Winter Marketing Plan pretty soon with some specifics on these tactics.

Click to download

Click Here to See the Full Print Version

Trump vs Hillary? Join the Conversation

Click Here for Details on the Ad Club

No this isn’t a political email.

Well, I guess it is somewhat. Let me explain.

I’ve had my cleaning business for at least a few presidential elections and I know that business tends to slow down a couple weeks before the election.

Why does business slow down?

People are only thinking about the election.

So why not join the conversation already going on their minds with a funny political ad campaign to your clients and prospects via mail, email, and Facebook?

This video will show you what I mean.

You might as well join the conversation they’re already thinking about…and then put your own spin on it.

Quick Test: See if your Clients Forget You

Here’s one great way to do client retention marketing:

Get client marketing done for you RIGHT HERE.

I’ve been busy getting my book published.   That’s why you haven’t heard from me in a while.

Now it’s proofed and ready to be released Tuesday, AUGUST 16th.

The title is “Killer Advertising for Cleaning Businesses- The Hitman’s Guide.” It’s an easy read with picture examples.

Watch your email and Facebook because I’ll be giving some killer bonuses to the first 100 people who buy it on Amazon.

*** Here’s the TEST to see if your cleaning clients remember you? ***

I had lunch the other day with Wayne Rainbolt, one of my Ad Club members. We started talking about how to get MORE referrals and keep MORE of our clients.

Wayne said, “My clients forget my company name right away. I know this because they ask who to make the check out to at the end of nearly every job.”

I said, “That’s the test. If your client asks what your company name is while you’re still in their house…there’s NO WAY they’ll remember you without marketing back to them.”

It’s the cold, hard truth with every cleaning company. You spend BIG $$$ marketing to them. You hand them a business card, bottle of spot remover, and brochure. It’s written on your shirt for crying out loud…


Do you think they’ll remember you a week later when their neighbor asks who they hired to get their carpet and floors so clean? NOPE.

Is there much hope they’ll remember you six months or one year later when they need their carpet cleaned again? NO WAY!

You need client retention systems in place.

This is the MOST valuable marketing you can do in your cleaning biz.

See this video that shows you one of the great client retention systems we use.


Watch for the book company out this Monday, August 15th. It’s got some great examples that me and other cleaners have used to grow their business.

How to Build an Unstoppable Cleaning Business

For info on the Ad Coaching Club, Click Here (Lots of BONUSES ending soon).

What can you add in your marketing to make your cleaning business unstoppable?

Let’s see what the largest corporations do to build their empire. And then, I’ll show you how this works for a cleaning advertising campaign.

See the video above.

This is kind of stuff that most small cleaning businesses think they can’t do, so they don’t even try. But making a few simple changes to your marketing can make a huge difference.

P.S. If you’ve been struggling to make your marketing work for you or you want to make your company brand stronger, you need to see this.

Is Angie’s List Good for Cleaning Businesses?

angies-list-logo-white-295x300You’ve probably seen the national commercials from Angie’s List. They now have a new service guarantee that states, “Fair Price. Service Quality. Guaranteed.”

What will this new guarantee mean for cleaning businesses? Are we going to be forced to offer “competitive” pricing by the corporation offices of Angie’s List? I would guess not…I know my cleaning company won’t be doing any price matching. The coming months will prove the outcome of their new guarantee.

Yes, you can advertise on Angie’s List. Isn’t that ironic? Angie boasts that the reason you can “trust what you’re reading” on her list is because companies don’t pay to be listed. Let me explain how it works: Companies can get listed only after a paid member gives them a positive review. It’s true that you can’t put yourself on Angie’s List or pay to get listed. After your company is on the list, you have the option to pay for a higher and bolder position. Because of their acceptance of advertising, one of the major complaints about Angie’s List is they are not entirely on the consumer’s side.

But can it help cleaning companies get better clients?

How much does advertising on Angie’s List cost?

I did a little research for my own carpet cleaning business. There are roughly 5,000 Angie’s List members in my two county area. The representative I spoke with said there have been approximately 17 searches per month for carpet cleaning in those counties. The advertising cost, to place me at the top of the list, is $91.50 per month. And there is a one year commitment. That’s a whopping $5.35 each time someone searches the list, regardless of whether or not they click my link. When you consider that Google Adwords clicks cost an average of $4.50 per click in my area, Angie’s List sounds pretty expensive.

Is Angie’s List advertising worth the money?

Dan Traub of Four Seasons Rug, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning (Ventura, CA) told me, “Very few clients we get on Angie’s List tend to complain about price or other minor issues. They tend to be good clients. So that alone is worth advertising with them.” Dan mentioned that he pays $190 per month to be listed at the top of Angie’s List and gets around a 3-to-1 return on his advertising investment.

Jim Francis, of A Clean Pro Professional Cleaning Service (Apple Valley, CA) told me via Facebook, “I pay $25.17 per month. We are in a small area but it’s starting to work in just over a year.
(We’re) getting great clients.”

It’s important to note that much of the good feedback I got from cleaners was BEFORE the new “Fair Price” guarantee.  A few cleaners that once did well two years ago are now discontinuing their Angie advertising.

You can pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to put your company rank higher than your competitor. If you have a good reputation and several good reviews, it may be worth testing it out. In large areas, where Angie’s List has over 10,000 members, they even send out a snail-mail newsletter. Companies who are listed on Angie’s List have an opportunity to advertise in this newsletter.

They also have group coupon deals, called the “Big Deals.” You tell them the specifics of your offer, and they put the offer in front of their members. I’ve heard of companies paying up to 33% of their total, already discounted job ticket, for these deals. Similar to Groupon, success of these offers varies. However, it does seem Angie’s List demands a higher percentage than Groupon demands on their deals.

What makes Angie’s List members different?

According to their media kit, here is how they define their members:

• Between the ages of 35 and 64

• Married

• A homeowner

• College educated

• Has an annual household income of at least $100,000

These are all demographics of what you should typically look for in an ideal cleaning client prospect. Additionally, other reports state that there are many more female members than male.

There’s another big factor that comes into play when you consider whether or not your cleaning company should think about advertising on Angie’s List – the paid membership factor. Many will argue that you can get the same type of reviews on Google, Yahoo! And Yelp. For the most part, that is true. But from an advertiser’s perspective, the fact that someone must pay a few dollars to become a member steps it up a notch. With membership, there’s a certain group community that you can benefit from.

If you do an Internet search for Angie’s List, you’ll find it is constantly getting knocked because members have to pay to see reviews. Reviews can be found online for free. But that’s what makes Angie’s List different. Many members feel they can trust Angie’s List more than freebie review sites. They feel this way mostly because it’s a paid membership site. But really, it doesn’t matter. The important thing you should know is that it’s a cherished service among those that use it. That, combined with the right demographics of an ideal cleaning client, may lead to a great advertising source.

If you want a glowing reputation among Angie’s List members, get the Super Service Award. All you need to do is get a few high-rated reviews by members. The number of reviews required varies by chapter. But once you receive the award, your profile is graced with the award that distinguishes you apart from your competition.

It’s really a new twist on referral marketing taken to the online community. Many people with disposable income would rather pay for this type of information. And if they’re likely to pay for the information, they’re surely more likely to be the type of consumer who would pay for a service like carpet cleaning. So do what you can to get on this list.

To recap:

  • Angie’s List claims no company can pay to be listed on the site, yet they accept advertising.
  • While Angie’s List might be expensive, site member demographics are ideal cleaning prospects.
  • Because Angie’s List offers paid membership, many believe its reviews are more trustworthy.
  • The new “Fair price” guarantee may cause many cleaners to stop advertising.

Start Your Busy Cleaning Season Now

Get details on the Ad Coaching Club at

Are you ready to get REALLY busy now?

This is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  I love when the phone rings off the hook.  It sounds like money!

Would you like your clients and prospects to start Spring Cleaning next week?

If you introduce this concept to them, they’ll start calling you earlier.

Watch this video I just shot for you above.

It’s an entire campaign you can use for:

* EDDM postcards
* Client mailers
* Email newsletters
* Facebook campaigns
* Google Adwords
* Website & Blog

P.S.  Right NOW is the prime time to promote spring cleaning to your clients and prospects.  Don’t miss this opportunity.

Let me give you some ideas that have been working really well.