Cleaning Campaign Got 5000% ROI

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(Lots of Extra Bonuses This Month)

What’s the most important part of an ad campaign?

Is it the media you pick?

Is it the picture in the ad?

Is it the coupon?

In this video I’ll show you a campaign that got one cleaner a 5000% return on his investment…and many other cleaners the best marketing return ever.

And they did it all during winter.

See the video now above.

P.S. Winter doesn’t mean you have to wait until spring to get clients. But it does mean you have to do some things different.


Cleaners Beat the Slow Winter

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This is exactly what I needed to see when I was struggling to get clients:

Time to get in gear for 2016!

P.P.S  Here’s what the video is all about:

* You’ll see an mailer that got a 12-to-1 return.  Plus others have gotten their best response ever with this series.

* You’ll get Free and low-cost ways to get cleaning clients during the winter.

* You’ll see client postcards that get HIGH job tickets…even in January and February from cross-selling your services.

* You’ll unlock the secrets of creating a “Killer Offer” without lowering your price.

* And you’ll discover how to use Neighborhood Marketing with EDDM to target your ideal clients for only 16 cents per home.

Replay for the Marketing Planning & Goal Setting Webinar

Get ideas on getting your marketing and your goal planning off to a great start!  We did a one hour webinar the other night with my Ad Coaching Club members and a few guests.  Listen in on the replay here…

Find out how you can join the Ad Club Here.

Download or listen to the audio MP3 replay below:

Your 2016 Marketing Plan for Cleaners

Click Here to DownloadClick Here to Download

Winter can be tough in the cleaning biz.

It’s especially tough if you don’t have a proven marketing plan.

What do successful cleaners do in winter?

Some take an extended vacation. Some struggle to barely get by on a minimum amount of jobs. And some do really well.

What are you planning on doing to get clients this winter?

Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.

Here’s an entire marketing plan with dozens of proven tactics.

Get the PDF Marketing Plan Report Above.

P.S. My clients have been using these tactics for years and some have gotten over a 20-to-1 return on their investment…Yes…even in cold, snowy areas during winter.

Download this step-by-step plan now. It’s Free.

Why does image advertising NOT work?

Get Coaching and Ad Templates Here

Most advertising cleaners do doesn’t work.


Their advertising is missing key components that get a response.

Bad advertising only allows you to charge low prices.

Good advertising helps you charge HIGHER prices and even get a BETTER RESPONSE.

See this video I made.

P.S. I’ll show you just a few tweaks you can make to your advertising that can DOUBLE your response.

It doesn’t include coupons or low price marketing.

Summer Cleaning Marketing [What’s Working Now]

Click Here to See Details on the Ad Club

I just wanted to show you a little of what’s working now.

So this week I made up a video showing:

* Summer EDDM postcards

* Beautiful summer client postcards

* Reminder postcards

* Profitable Adwords ad examples

* How to remarket your website to past site visitors

Plus, other bits of marketing knowledge that can help you this summer and into the fall.

Check the video out above.

Get to $250k per Year in the Cleaning Biz

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Build a Carpet Cleaning business

How does a start up or start over business get to $250k?

I get this question a lot.

So I decided to make a video that gives you an 8-step guide

See the video above.

This is perfect if you’re:

* Brand new in the cleaning biz

* Starting over and want to do it right

* Struggling to get to the $250k mark

* Doing over $250k, but want to fill holes in your marketing

P.S. I break down the whole plan in 8 easy steps. Once you see it, you’ll get the idea.

Personalize Your Cleaning Ads [Get 2X the response]

Click HERE to Get Ads Personalized and Done For You!

There’s one easy way to DOUBLE your chance of better ad response.

It can be used in:

* Postcards
* Brochures
* Videos
* Newsletters and E-Newsletters
* Websites

See this simple addition:

The companies that I see doing this always get a better response.

Every time I’ve tested it, it works.

P.S. This may or may not be something you’re already doing. But if you’re not doing it, it’s clearly hurting your advertising.

Reminder Postcards Make Your Phone Ring

Get These Reminder Postcards Here for a Limited Time in the Ad Club

Reminding your cleaning clients they need you is the most important advertising you can do.

I love reminder postcards for TWO reasons:

1.  You can use them to bring a surge of clients calling you when business is slow.

Just keep a stack of these postcards ready to go and send them off to clients who used you one to two years ago.

2.  They are cheap! This is the cheapest, effective advertising you do. They postcards can be printed for 2 cents per card and postage for just 34 cents (or 25 cents if you send them bulk mail).

See some of my reminder postcard examples in the video above.

P.S. This is one method of advertising you need to do if you want to be as successful as possible. All the most successful cleaners I know do this.

Authority Marketing

Click Here to Get a Press Release Done For You

I’ve gotten several cleaners national distribution on affiliates of ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and dozens of other major media outlets.

I did an “Authority Marketing” campaign that quickly allows you to be positioned as an expert by having your article syndicated out to dozens of authority media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS and several major newspapers like the Boston Globe, Miami Herald, and more.

I’ll show you what I did in this video:

The problem for most cleaning companies is:

* The are NOT seen as an authority by Google

* Their clients are NOT impressed with their professionalism

* They have no plan to get their brand recognized as authority

Are you having these problems too?

P.S. Just one campaign can change all this and make your brand an authority.