Get Referrals Galore with This Tip

Option #1: Click Here to Order Any Brochure
Option #2: Join the Ad Club to Get One Brochure Designed For You Each Month


Here’s what we use to get referrals from:

* Carpet retailers

* Rug Galleries

* Interior Designers

* Veterinarian Offices

* Plumbers

* General Contractors

* Furniture Retailers

* And MANY other HOT referral sources

You have to set yourself apart from the competition.

How can you be an expert?  By educating clients and prospects!

Pick the Brochure You Want

Carpet Care Brochure (Sells fabric protector benefits too)
Click here to see full size image
Click here to see full size image
Water Damage Brochure
Click the image to see it larger
Click here to see full size
Tile Cleaning Brochure
Click here to see the image in full size
Click here to see in full size
Pet Odor Removal Brochure
Click here to get the full size image
Click here to get the full size image
Area Rug Cleaning Brochure
Click here to see full size image
Click here to see the full size image
Upholstery and Leather Cleaning Brochure
Click here to see the full image
Click here to see the full image

* All brochures copyright 2008-2014 by Hitman Advertising.

No stealing content!

Option #1: Click Here to Order Any Brochure
Option #2: Join the Ad Club to Get One Brochure Designed Each Month

Cleaning Brochures Done For You

Re:  Cleaning Brochures Done For You
From:  John Braun

One of the best ways to get HIGHER job tickets…

BETTER clients…

And MORE referrals…??

It’s with effective, educational brochures.

Brochures are NOT going to help you if they are simply a list of your services along with a couple pretty pictures.

Use your brochures to SELL your cleaning services and make MORE money.

***First time I’ve offered this***

Up until now, the only way you could get any of these brochures was to be a member of my Ad Club.  But now, for a short time, I’m allowing any cleaning company to in on this.

See the brochures you can get done for your business:

Get brochures on carpet care, tile cleaning, area rug care, water damage restoration and more.  It’s designed for you with your own company logo and information.

You’re competition isn’t doing this…I can almost guarantee you.  Like I always say, Be different!

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S.  Check out the brochures and see how you can educate your clients and make more money in your cleaning business.

Marketing Brochures for Cleaners

Join Hitman’s Ad Club at

Educate your clients with this…

And get HIGHER job tickets.

BETTER clients.

MORE referrals.

I learned this many years ago.  Brochures are NOT supposed to be just a listing of the services you offer along with a couple pretty pictures.

No way!  Use your brochures to SELL your cleaning services.

High-end clients that spend more money want to be educated.  That’s what you should use brochures to do.

Do it right and you will get HIGHER job tickets, BETTER clients, and MORE referrals.

You’re competition isn’t doing this…I can almost guarantee you.  Like I always say, Be different!

The Key to a Reliable Cleaning Business [Podcast #12]

If you’ve been struggling to build a cleaning business that stays busy throughout the year, you need to hear this.

I reveal to you the #1 secret that most every highly successful cleaning business routinely does to keep busy.  Plus I go over an entire plan that will help you get MORE referrals, MORE frequent cleanings from current clients, and HIGHER job tickets.

Building a successful cleaning business does NOT come by accident.  You need to work at it and learn from what other successful companies have done.  Diligently work your way into the business of your dreams!

To listen to the podcast, click the play button below now:

My Secret Referral Marketing Strategy

Click Here to see how you can get these cards and postcards for your cleaning biz.

Referrals are the lifeblood of a cleaning business.

But you should NEVER leave getting referrals chance!

Make a great impression on your client and tell them about your referral program in a classy way.  You’ll easily double your referrals.

Set up a system in your business that makes it easy for your clients to refer you.

I’ve never shared this strategy with anyone other than my coaching clients.

See the video I just made above that shows you the system.

How to Brand Your Cleaning Business [Podcast #001]

ICS Magazine Presents The Hitman Advertising Show.

Episode 1, How to Brand Your Cleaning Business

1. Why branding your business is important

a. The marketing practice of creating a name or design that identifies and differentiates a service from other services

b. Story of branding

c. You can charge higher prices

d. You can sell your company for more money.  Michael Gerber

e. Bring you more faithful clients

f. Bring you MORE clients.  Studies show brand is picked over generic.

*Most cleaners are generic.  This is where you can shine!

2. Don’t confuse brand/image advertising with branding

a. Brand advertising should be combined with direct response advertising

3. Ways to brand your cleaning business

a. Everything your client and prospect sees

*Personality:  what colors?  Shapes?  Movie?  Music style? Car?

b. Your advertising should have a central theme that is your brand

b. Write in a short phrase what your company is about.

c. ie. Company with best guarantees.  Best reputation.  Fastest response.

d. Everything your client and prospect sees

4. Keep your brand in front of your clients and targeted prospects-never forget.

a. Newsletter and Postcards 1-2 months.

*Repeats clients are GOLD.  It costs twice as much to go after a new client that keep existing

b. Email newsletters every 1-2 week.

c. Facebook page post every week.

d. Leave clients and prospects gifts: Magnets

e. Leave behind spot remover, pens, etc.

f. Continually market to them AFTER the service is done.

Concentrating on branding your cleaning biz is one of the most valuable things you can do.  Your biz will be more valuable and you’ll make more money.

Listen in on the podcast now below: