Why Your Cleaning Website Isn’t Ranking on Google

Want to Learn to rank your cleaning website?  Go Here.

Want SEO Done for You by Hitman?  Go Here.

Google needs to TRUST you.

I’ve done search marketing for hundreds of cleaning websites, and here’s what I’ve found…

The 4 reasons why your website isn’t ranking.

See this new video.

You can get by with not doing some of these things.  But the bigger your city and the more popular your cleaning service, the tighter you need to be on these rules.

P.S.  Start your SEO or Google ad campaign the right way.  Don’t waste time and money.

Find out why it’s not ranking and fix it!

Here are the 4 reasons why your site doesn’t rank.

  1. Your website doesn’t prove who you are. Too many cleaning websites don’t establish their city location at the top of the page. Your page needs to prove with out any doubt that you are in the city that you are in at the very top. If your web surfer does not see this, they could be instantly repelled. Furthermore, the site should be clean, and talk about your cleaning related services.


  1. Other websites don’t acknowledge that you have a good website with links. Social media, directories, local sites, cleaning website related sites. YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, indeed, and every social media site that you can think of can be used to gain this acknowledgment. In addition, you’ll likely get links from other Cleaning related and local websites in your city if your website is a trusted website. Google knows that this will naturally happen.


  1. Your website visitors don’t like your website. Are your website visitors coming to your website and then leaving quickly? Google knows if this is the case. This needs to be fixed right away.


  1. You don’t have enough reviews. Reviews are super important. Google knows that if you are a reputable, trustworthy website, you have reviews. You need to have at least as many reviews as your biggest competitor, if not more reviews than your biggest competitor.

Cleaning Website Ranking


Cleaning SEO on Google My Business

Get SEO, Google Ads, and Other Marketing Training in the Ad Club Here.

Your cleaning clients use their phone around 50% of the time.

When they use their phone, I’ll show you what shows up.

Watch this video new video where I explain cleaning SEO maps searches:

And you can do it at absolutely no cost, FREE, zip, NADA.

It’s important for every cleaning company to:

  • Make sure your listing shows on mobile searches
  • Make sure your site looks good on mobile devices
  • Make sure your company is cited all over the internet

P.S.  This is one of the easiest and best ways to get new clients coming in totally for FREE.

Cleaning SEO Google My Business

Text Marketing Walk Thru

FREE software to text, email, postcards for client marketing in the Ad Club Here.


For cleaners, it’s the cheapest, easiest, most responsive marketing you can do.

Right now, you can get the software set up for you a no charge.

See how easy it is in this video.

3 reasons why text marketing is so great:

#1 Cheapest advertising- 1 cent per message

#2 It’s 10X more responsive than email

#3 Super easy- takes just 5 minutes to send out

P.S.  This is the latest technology in marketing that most of your competitors are NOT using.  Use it to book more jobs and be seen as the cleaning professional in your city.

P.P.S. Once you have this set up, you’ll be able to use this over and over again with ease.  Your schedule will stay booked.  Your sales will grow.

Cleaners asked how easy it was, so I’ll show you here:

I’m going to show you how easy it is…

Want Marketing Done For You?

Text Marketing Done For You [Easiest, Cheapest, Most Responsive Marketing Possible]

text messge marketing walk thru

Neighborhood Radius Google & YouTube Ads for Cleaning

Get the entire Google Ads Course in my Ad Coaching Club Here.


If you want to be the neighborhood cleaner, this is one of the best ways to do it.

Last week I sent you a video about neighborhood targeting using EDDM and neighborhood postcards.

This week, I’m showing you how you can do it with online methods like Google ads and YouTube ads.

If you want better clients, you need to do better marketing.

This is one great way to do it.

P.S.  You can do YouTube ads for as little a 1 cent per view!  And highly refined Google search ads are often $1 – $2 less than targeting the entire city when you do it right.

Google and YouTube Ads for Cleaning

Give Holiday Gifts to Your Cleaning Clients

Get these designed for you and get the templates in my Ad Coaching Club here.

Give Holiday Gifts to Your Cleaning Clients

You can stay busy after Christmas, New Year, and build your cleaning company’s brand.

Your competition is NOT doing this.

See this new video:

Free gifts for the holidays are one way to do build a STRONG relationship with your clients.

We’ll also take a look at how big companies brand the holidays with their company.  You can do the same type of thing.

The time to get this going is running out!  Get a marketing plan for after Christmas right now.

Holiday Carpet Cleaning Marketing

What Do You Want to Get DONE in Your Cleaning Business?

I’m putting together an exclusive mastermind for a select few cleaning companies.  I’m curious about what you’re most interested in getting DONE in your cleaning business.  If you fill out the survey, as a thank you, I’ll let you in on a special gift once the mastermind is launched.

marketing done for cleaning business

Free Cleaning Software Set Up

Ad coaching members can get FREE email, texting, and scheduling software access.  You only have to sync the FREE email system or the super cheap texting system as shown below.

If you’re not a member yet, you can sign up for the Ad Club right here>>>

Sign-up for these 2 profiles:

Send in Blue for Email Marketing Sync

Twilo for Texting and Voicemail Drop Sync (recommend $20 deposit and $1 per month for a phone number)

Here’s what you need to email us (watch videos):

  1. Log in for Send in Blue (username, email address, and MASTER password)
  2. Twilio Account SID and authorization token
  3. Your Twilio phone number

Click Here for training on how to use the software after it’s set up.

How to Set Up Brevo for Emails:


How to Set Up Twilio:


Keep in mind, some members use it for their scheduling software and email software. Some members only use it for their emails and other members use it only for their texting past clients.

Also, we’ll automatically plug in an entire series of residential and commercial emails for you for FREE too.  Just email us to request them after your software is set up.

Your email list: Put your client list into a CSV file.  This is the most common file that is used throughout platforms.  Quickbooks, Housecall, Servicemonster, or any database should export it in this file.

Free cleaning software

Cleaning Marketing Plan Guide

Here’s my complete cleaning marketing plan guide.  You’ll get 31 killer marketing strategies to use in your cleaning business right away.

Cleaning Marketing Plan Guide for Cleaners

Click to Instantly Download the Full Report

Yes, it’s an entire year of marketing ideas and strategies specifically for Carpet Cleaning, Tile Cleaning, Area Rug Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Maid services, and other cleaning businesses.

If you need ideas for marketing your cleaning company, this is what you need to check out. It’s completely free. All you have to do is click the image above and you’ll instantly get the PDF marketing plan.

It’s both online and offline marketing. For best results, I highly recommend that you do both.  Don’t just stick to offline advertising because you’re afraid of online and don’t just stick to online advertising because you think that it might be a cheaper way to do marketing. Here’s a hint, online advertising is sometimes more expensive than offline advertising. It just really depends on how you do your marketing.

Maybe you’ve tried advertising in the past and you did it wrong. Or maybe, you fell victim to a scam artist that called you and promised the world. There are lots of horror stories out there where I’ve heard of Cleaners’ wasting tons of money on marketing. It happens all the time and in every industry. What you have to realize is that it’s not the marketing media that’s bad.  It’s the execution of the marketing media.  It’s all in how you do it.

Yes, some of these tips for marketing cost money. But some of them are absolutely free. And all of them are tactics that I’ve grown hugely successful cleaning companies.

Download the free report now and get all kinds of ideas for marketing your cleaning business. It’s a plan that will help you this year and in all of the years to come that you’re in the business.



Neighborhood Marketing for Cleaning Business [What works best]

Sign up for the Ad Club to get all the templates, FREE graphic design, and help getting your mailing done-4-you.

Also, here’s the sign-up link for the FREE Cleanfax webinar next week.

Click Here for the FREE Webinar Sign Up

Best way to target neighborhoods?

I just made a NEW video for you.

Updated for 2021, I’ll show you the BEST way to target neighborhoods.

Is it EDDM, Radius Mailing, or What?

I’m doing a webinar next week with Cleanfax Magazine on this subject.  It’s been a while since I’ve put out a neighborhood marketing video, so I thought this would be a good time.

If you’re thinking about doing postcard marketing, you can save yourself a LOT of money and hassle by seeing this.

Here are the ins and outs.




Neighborhood marketing

Commercial & Residential Cleaning Reminder Series [Test Drive Now]

Want to see the whole reminder series?  Click Here now!

Sign up for the Ad Club & get the new software FREE, plus all the templates.

Want to test-drive the software and see the whole reminder series?  Click Here now!

You can remind past clients to rebook cleaning with our new automatic reminder system.

Plus, it gets you Google and Facebook reviews!

It’s all on AUTOPILOT.

You can automatically send a series texts, emails, and postcards.

It’s EASY with our new software.

Let me show you.

I’ve already created templates that can be auto-loaded into your account.

P.S.  Yes, it works with Quickbooks and other scheduling software.  You can keep your existing scheduling software or use the calendar for scheduling that’s already included in this system.

P.P.S.  Want to see the texts and test drive the system?  Click the link now.

Commercial and residential cleaning software walk thru