How to Charge Higher Prices for Cleaning

If all you want to do is charge what every one else charges, you don’t need to do anything different.  But if you want to be a high-end cleaner, you need to know about this.

4 Tactics to Get Higher Prices:

1.  Make sure you’re delivering a top-notch cleaning service.  It doesn’t matter what method you use, just clean well.  Get educated, buy the best chemicals, and use the best equipment.  This is the foundation.

2.  Put a STRONG money back guarantee on your cleaning work.  Be crystal clear about what your guarantee is and what you’ll do if your client isn’t happy.  Of course, always offer to re-clean an area before giving money back, but ultimately do everything you can to make your client happy.

Holiday postcards work great to keep in touch.
Holiday postcards work great to keep in touch.

3.  Keep in touch with your beloved clients.  The only sure way to keep in touch is via mail.  Postcards can be sent CHEAP!  In my coaching club, we provide templates and even do the graphic design for you on hundreds on different postcards.  We can get 1000 4×6 full color, glossy postcards printed for you for just $43.

Get postcards done-for-you at

Educational brochures.
Educational brochures.

4.  Educate your clients about your services.  The best way to do this is through educational brochures to be given to prospects BEFORE cleaning or delivered with a sales letter.  In the brochure, show what you do and give tips on maintenance.  The simple act of presenting what you do in a beautiful, professional brochure may mean the difference between getting $10 a room or $100 for the same room.

If you were charging $250 to clean a fine leather sofa, do you think you’d have an easier sell if you had a professional piece of educational information to give your prospect BEFORE the cleaning?  Do you think she’d be more at ease?  What about before you do a water restoration job or $800 pet odor removal job?  Think about it!

Get brochures done-for-you at