Free Postcard Marketing Webinar Training

Re: [Tonight] Free Postcard Marketing Webinar Training
From:  John Braun

Tonight, I’m holding a FREE training webinar to help you get new
clients and keep existing clients with Postcard and EDDM marketing.

I don’t hold these free webinars very often, but there are some
important new things I wanted to let you know about.

Register right now at the link below…

I’ll be teaching on how to get MORE referrals, MORE frequent
cleaning, and HIGHER job tickets with postcards.

Plus, you’ll find out how to target ANY neighborhood for as little
as 15 cents per home using Every Door Direct Mail.

***Then Download this FREE Special Report***

After you sign up for the webinar, make sure you get this report on
“How to Cut Your Postcard & Newsletter Marketing Costs in Half.”

Get the special report NOW at the link below..

Until later,

John Braun
Ad Hitman

P.S.  Don’t miss the webinar tonight.  It’s a one time only event!

Here are the times…
6pm pacific | 7pm mountain | 8pm central | 9pm eastern

1 thought on “Free Postcard Marketing Webinar Training”

  1. This is a really good blog. I think people should really drop by here frequently to get their fix for their daily reading.

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