Have You Heard About This?

Sign up for the Ad Club now and get this software FREE.

Did you hear what happened?

This may be one of the biggest opportunities for cleaning businesses in a while.

For the past few weeks, we’ve been setting up marketing automation software for clients.

It sends automated thank you and reminder emails, texts, and generates reviews.

It does scheduling on your website, phone, or desktop computer.  Yes, clients can even book on your website.

Then, we found a way to set up automated emails so you can send monthly email newsletters to past clients, prospects, realtors, and property managers.

So NOW we’re adding monthly email templates that are built into your software already done!  It’s all included FREE for Ad Club Members.

Oh…Did I mention the software is still FREE to ad club members who sign up now or who are currently signed up?

This is perfect for any cleaning business that wants automated client marketing.

There’s now a FREE way to set up sending up to 300 emails a day!  It’s all part of the package.

Check out the sign up link above for details.