Marketing Cleaning Services for the Holidays [Podcast #8]

Marketing this time of year is utmost of importance!  Home beautification is on people’s minds.  People are having guests over and want their homes beautiful.  Your clients need to hear from you this time of year!

Your clients are in a good place to refer you.

  • Market to your clients first.
  • Mail postcards or greeting cards in the mail
  • Email newsletters.
  • Voice blasts- check local laws.
  • Facebook page

Traditional advertising- works best this time of year.

  • Newspaper- especially in smaller cities.
  • Neighborhood marketing- EDDM is great.
  • Val-pak, coupon mailers.  Maybe.
  • Billboards.  Not if you need clients quick.
  • Radio.  If you have a way for them to find you.
  • Television.

Internet marketing.

  • Facebook pay-per-click is huge.  It’s cheaper.
  • Google Adwords.
  • Yahoo pay-per-click.
  • Angie’s List.

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