You can use gift cards to target the EXACT clients you want. Use this to get more referrals, commercial work, and clients in high-end neighborhoods.
We LOVE getting referrals. So we do everything possible to get more. The best thing about a referral is the prospect is already sold on using you before they call. Most of the time there is no in-home estimate or price haggling required. Just set the appointment and make money.
These gift promo cards are viewed to be MUCH more valuable than a coupon or even a FREE room of cleaning offer. They look like a real gift card and, for all practical purpose, we treat them like a real gift card. The only difference is we give some special exclusions on the back of the card to keep the offer from getting abused.
3 Ways to Use These Cards:
1. Pass them out to businesses who can refer you to their clients. We pass them out to flooring retailers, realtors, interior designers, plumbers, maid services, builders, property managers, and other places that can hand you NICE jobs. We pass them out at their office or we’ll send a few to them in the mail along with a letter that gives benefits of how we can help them.
2. Hand them out at networking events. Why give out plain old business cards when you can give out gift cards? Go to networking groups as the bearer of gifts!
3. Distribute them to high-end neighborhoods. We send these out in a letter that gives compelling benefits of our service. We also use these in doorknob hanger packets.
It’s one of the CHEAPEST tools to promote referrals and set yourself apart from the competition. I’m all about setting my company apart from my competitors.
We use them in different dollar amounts…$25, $50 and $100. The potential job that can be referred depends on the amount. For example, realtors normally get $50 or $100 gift cards. A property manager who rents small homes may get a $25 gift card.
These cards are printed up to look like actual gift cards. But they’re really a thick, glossy, larger business card. Upon looking at the card, they look like a gift card. But when you hold it in your hand it doesn’t feel quite like a thick, plastic card. It does the job at an economical price so we can afford to pass out thousands of them all over the city.
2 Ways to Get these Gift Cards:
1. You get the template for this gift card and BIG discounts on printing in my Ad Club. Get details by CLICKING HERE. Get 1000 of these glossy, thick gift cards printed for just $32 + shipping.
2. Or, for a limited time, get this template custom graphic designed with your company info for $99. Then get 1000 of these glossy, thick gift cards printed for just $32 + shipping. Order Info Click Here.