Videos Done For Cleaners

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A few years ago I did a test on my cleaning website.

I added four videos. That was it.

And overnight, the amount of people who booked jobs from my website DOUBLED.

Nothing else changed.

The number of website visitors stayed the same. The only difference is that the visitors were MORE engaged.

See this video I made with examples above.

P.S. Check this out now because this is timely information. Your site can rank higher, your clients can give you more money, and your sales can increase when you use videos the right way.

3 thoughts on “Videos Done For Cleaners”

  1. Do you supply the video’s? I do encapsulation cleaning. BrushPro, Cimex.

    I need help! 215-269-3331

  2. I do encapsulation cleaning. Do you have any video’s that can help me sell my services?


  3. Hi John, Most of the videos we’ll do don’t promote any specific method of carpet cleaning. So that’s not an issue. But will we make a few that are specific to a method? We do plan on doing that, YES. We’ll have some for encap on commercial and residential. As well, steam cleaning and bonnet cleaning.

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